Mladen Adamovic
Mladen Adamovic
King's Business School, King's College London
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
How does employee cultural background influence the effects of telework on job stress? The roles of power distance, individualism, and beliefs about telework
M Adamovic
International Journal of Information Management 62, 102437, 2022
An employee-focused human resource management perspective for the management of global virtual teams
M Adamovic
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 29 (14), 2159-2187, 2018
Country‐level correlates of the dark triad traits in 49 countries
PK Jonason, M Żemojtel‐Piotrowska, J Piotrowski, C Sedikides, ...
Journal of personality 88 (6), 1252-1267, 2020
Exploring the adoption of virtual work: the role of virtual work self-efficacy and virtual work climate
M Adamovic, P Gahan, J Olsen, A Gulyas, D Shallcross, A Mendoza
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 33 (17), 3492-3525, 2022
Structure of dark triad dirty dozen across eight world regions
R Rogoza, M Żemojtel-Piotrowska, PK Jonason, J Piotrowski, ...
Assessment 28 (4), 1125-1135, 2021
Personal life satisfaction as a measure of societal happiness is an individualistic presumption: Evidence from fifty countries
K Krys, J Park, A Kocimska-Zych, A Kosiarczyk, HA Selim, ...
Journal of Happiness Studies 22, 2197-2214, 2021
Between fit and flexibility? The benefits of high‐performance work practices and leadership capability for innovation outcomes
P Gahan, M Theilacker, M Adamovic, D Choi, B Harley, J Healy, JE Olsen
Human Resource Management Journal 31 (2), 414-437, 2021
Is there a glass ceiling for ethnic minorities to enter leadership positions? Evidence from a field experiment with over 12,000 job applications
M Adamovic, A Leibbrandt
The Leadership Quarterly 34 (2), 101655, 2023
How organizational stressors affect collective organizational citizenship behaviors in the French police: the moderating role of trust climate?
M Molines, PY Sanséau, M Adamovic
International Journal of Public Sector Management 30 (1), 48-66, 2017
The fear of COVID-19 scale: Its structure and measurement invariance across 48 countries.
AJ Sawicki, M Żemojtel-Piotrowska, JM Balcerowska, MJ Sawicka, ...
Psychological Assessment 34 (3), 294, 2022
Analyzing discrimination in recruitment: A guide and best practices for resume studies
M Adamovic
International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 2020
When ethnic discrimination in recruitment is likely to occur and how to reduce it: applying a contingency perspective to review resume studies
M Adamovic
Human Resource Management Review 32 (2), 100832, 2022
Introduction to a culturally sensitive measure of Well-Being: Combining life satisfaction and interdependent happiness across 49 different cultures
K Krys, BW Haas, ER Igou, A Kosiarczyk, A Kocimska-Bortnowska, ...
Journal of Happiness Studies 24 (2), 607-627, 2023
Organizational justice research: A review, synthesis, and research agenda
M Adamovic
European Management Review 20 (4), 762-782, 2024
A large‐scale field experiment on occupational gender segregation and hiring discrimination
M Adamovic, A Leibbrandt
Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society 62 (1), 34-59, 2023
Does social mix reduce stigma in public housing? A comparative analysis of two housing estates in Melbourne
K Raynor, L Panza, C Ordóñez, M Adamovic, MA Wheeler
Cities 96, 102458, 2020
Bringing the leader back in: Why, how, and when leadership empowerment behavior shapes coworker conflict
M Adamovic, P Gahan, JE Olsen, B Harley, J Healy, M Theilacker
Group & Organization Management 45 (5), 599-636, 2020
Does procedural justice climate increase the identification and engagement of migrant workers? A group engagement model perspective
M Adamovic, P Gahan, J Olsen, B Harley, J Healy, M Theilacker
Personnel Review 51 (1), 377-393, 2022
Societal emotional environments and cross-cultural differences in life satisfaction: A forty-nine country study
K Krys, JC Yeung, CA Capaldi, VMC Lun, C Torres, WAP van Tilburg, ...
The Journal of Positive Psychology 17 (1), 117-130, 2022
Leadership at Work: Do Australian leaders have what it takes
P Gahan, M Adamovic, A Bevitt, B Harley, J Healy, JE Olsen, M Theilacker
University of Melbourne, 2016
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مقالات 1–20