Sebastiaan Breedveld
Sebastiaan Breedveld
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
iCycle: Integrated, multicriterial beam angle, and profile optimization for generation of coplanar and noncoplanar IMRT plans
S Breedveld, PRM Storchi, PWJ Voet, BJM Heijmen
Medical physics 39 (2), 951-963, 2012
Toward fully automated multicriterial plan generation: a prospective clinical study
PWJ Voet, MLP Dirkx, S Breedveld, D Fransen, PC Levendag, ...
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 85 (3), 866-872, 2013
The equivalence of multi-criteria methods for radiotherapy plan optimization
S Breedveld, PRM Storchi, BJM Heijmen
Physics in Medicine & Biology 54 (23), 7199, 2009
Fully automated volumetric modulated arc therapy plan generation for prostate cancer patients
PWJ Voet, MLP Dirkx, S Breedveld, A Al-Mamgani, L Incrocci, ...
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 88 (5), 1175-1179, 2014
A novel approach to multi-criteria inverse planning for IMRT
S Breedveld, PRM Storchi, M Keijzer, AW Heemink, BJM Heijmen
Physics in Medicine & Biology 52 (20), 6339, 2007
Comparison of VMAT and IMRT strategies for cervical cancer patients using automated planning
AWM Sharfo, PWJ Voet, S Breedveld, JWM Mens, MS Hoogeman, ...
Radiotherapy and Oncology 114 (3), 395-401, 2015
Multi-criteria optimization and decision-making in radiotherapy
S Breedveld, D Craft, R Van Haveren, B Heijmen
European Journal of Operational Research 277 (1), 1-19, 2019
Dose prediction with deep learning for prostate cancer radiation therapy: model adaptation to different treatment planning practices
RN Kandalan, D Nguyen, NH Rezaeian, AM Barragán-Montero, ...
Radiotherapy and Oncology 153, 228-235, 2020
Fully automated, multi-criterial planning for Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy–An international multi-center validation for prostate cancer
B Heijmen, P Voet, D Fransen, J Penninkhof, M Milder, H Akhiat, ...
Radiotherapy and Oncology 128 (2), 343-348, 2018
Improved efficiency of multi-criteria IMPT treatment planning using iterative resampling of randomly placed pencil beams
S van de Water, AC Kraan, S Breedveld, W Schillemans, DN Teguh, ...
Physics in Medicine & Biology 58 (19), 6969, 2013
Validation of fully automated VMAT plan generation for library-based plan-of-the-day cervical cancer radiotherapy
AWM Sharfo, S Breedveld, PWJ Voet, ST Heijkoop, JWM Mens, ...
PloS one 11 (12), e0169202, 2016
On the beam direction search space in computerized non-coplanar beam angle optimization for IMRT—prostate SBRT
L Rossi, S Breedveld, BJM Heijmen, PWJ Voet, N Lanconelli, S Aluwini
Physics in Medicine & Biology 57 (17), 5441, 2012
Integrated multicriterial optimization of beam angles and intensity profiles for coplanar and noncoplanar head and neck IMRT and implications for VMAT
PWJ Voet, S Breedveld, MLP Dirkx, PC Levendag, BJM Heijmen
Medical physics 39 (8), 4858-4865, 2012
Fast, multiple optimizations of quadratic dose objective functions in IMRT
S Breedveld, PRM Storchi, M Keijzer, BJM Heijmen
Physics in Medicine & Biology 51 (14), 3569, 2006
IMRT for image-guided single vocal cord irradiation
SOS Osman, E Astreinidou, HCJ de Boer, F Keskin-Cambay, S Breedveld, ...
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 82 (2), 989-997, 2012
Near real-time automated dose restoration in IMPT to compensate for daily tissue density variations in prostate cancer
T Jagt, S Breedveld, S Van de Water, B Heijmen, M Hoogeman
Physics in Medicine & Biology 62 (11), 4254, 2017
Data for TROTS–the radiotherapy optimisation test set
S Breedveld, B Heijmen
Data in brief 12, 143-149, 2017
An automated planning strategy for near real-time adaptive proton therapy in prostate cancer
T Jagt, S Breedveld, R Van Haveren, B Heijmen, M Hoogeman
Physics in Medicine & Biology 63 (13), 135017, 2018
Automated volumetric modulated arc therapy planning for whole pelvic prostate radiotherapy
M Buschmann, AWM Sharfo, J Penninkhof, Y Seppenwoolde, G Goldner, ...
Strahlentherapie Und Onkologie 194 (4), 333, 2017
An interior-point implementation developed and tuned for radiation therapy treatment planning
S Breedveld, B van den Berg, B Heijmen
Computational Optimization and Applications 68 (2), 209-242, 2017
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مقالات 1–20