Tommaso Bertolotti
Tommaso Bertolotti
Visiting Scholar, USC. Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Pavia
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Springer handbook of model-based science
L Magnani, T Bertolotti
Springer, 2017
Theoretical considerations on cognitive niche construction
T Bertolotti, L Magnani
Synthese 194, 4757-4779, 2017
An epistemological analysis of gossip and gossip-based knowledge
T Bertolotti, L Magnani
Synthese 191 (17), 4037-4067, 2014
A philosophical and evolutionary approach to cyber-bullying: social networks and the disruption of sub-moralities
T Bertolotti, L Magnani
Ethics and information technology 15, 285-299, 2013
The antinomies of serendipity how to cognitively frame serendipity for scientific discoveries
S Arfini, T Bertolotti, L Magnani
Topoi 39 (4), 939-948, 2020
Cognitive bubbles and firewalls: Epistemic immunizations in human reasoning
L Magnani, T Bertolotti
Proceedings of the annual meeting of the cognitive science society 33 (33), 2011
Online communities as virtual cognitive niches
S Arfini, T Bertolotti, L Magnani
Synthese 196 (1), 377-397, 2019
The role of agency detection in the invention of supernatural beings: an abductive approach
T Bertolotti, L Magnani
Model-Based Reasoning in Science and Technology: Abduction, Logic, and …, 2010
Facebook has it: the irresistible violence of social cognition in the age of social networking
T Bertolotti
International Journal of Technoethics (IJT) 2 (4), 71-83, 2011
Patterns of rationality
T Bertolotti
Studies in applied philosophy, epistemology and rational ethics 19, 2015
Contemporary finance as a critical cognitive niche: An epistemological outlook on the uncertain effects of contrasting uncertainty
T Bertolotti, L Magnani
Mind & Society 14, 273-293, 2015
The diffusion of ignorance in on-line communities
S Arfini, T Bertolotti, L Magnani
International Journal of Technoethics (IJT) 9 (1), 37-50, 2018
Cognitive aspects of car sharing in Millennials. Active sharers and reluctant users
G Magnani, T Bertolotti, A Zucchella
Mercati & Competitività, 2018
Springer handbook of model-based science
T Bertolotti, L Magnani
Springer, 2017
The gospel according to Google: The future of religious niches and technological spirituality
T Bertolotti, C Cinerari
European Journal of Science and Theology 9 (1), 41-53, 2013
Perverting activism: Cyberactivism and its potential failures in enhancing democratic institutions
T Bertolotti, E Bardone, L Magnani
International Journal of Technoethics (IJT) 2 (2), 14-29, 2011
Springer handbook of model-based science
R Frigg, J Nguyen, L Magnani, T Bertolotti
Springer, 2017
An argument for ignorance-based chance discovery
L Magnani, S Arfini, T Bertolotti
International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms 8 (3), 327-342, 2016
From mindless modeling to scientific models: The case of emerging models
T Bertolotti
Philosophy and cognitive science: Western & eastern studies, 75-104, 2012
Abduction: from the ignorance problem to the ignorance virtue.
T Bertolotti, S Arfini, L Magnani
FLAP 3 (1), 153-173, 2016
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مقالات 1–20