Johann Kroha
Johann Kroha
Professor of Theoretical Physics, University of Bonn
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Theory of the Fano resonance in the STM tunneling density of states due to a single Kondo impurity
O Újsághy, J Kroha, L Szunyogh, A Zawadowski
Physical review letters 85 (12), 2557, 2000
Fermi and Non-Fermi Liquid Behavior of Quantum Impurity Models: A Diagrammatic Pseudo-Particle Approach
J Kroha, P Wölfle
Theoretical Methods for Strongly Correlated Electrons, 297-339, 2004
Nonequilibrium Transport through a Kondo Dot in a Magnetic Field:<? format?> Perturbation Theory and Poor Man’s Scaling
A Rosch, J Paaske, J Kroha, P Wölfle
Physical review letters 90 (7), 076804, 2003
Kondo effect in quantum dots at high voltage: Universality and scaling
A Rosch, J Kroha, P Wölfle
Physical Review Letters 87 (15), 156802, 2001
Kondo box: A magnetic impurity in an ultrasmall metallic grain
WB Thimm, J Kroha, J von Delft
Physical review letters 82 (10), 2143, 1999
Anderson impurity model at finite Coulomb interaction U: Generalized noncrossing approximation
K Haule, S Kirchner, J Kroha, P Wölfle
Physical Review B 64 (15), 155111, 2001
A tunable two-impurity Kondo system in an atomic point contact
J Bork, Y Zhang, L Diekhöner, L Borda, P Simon, J Kroha, P Wahl, K Kern
Nature Physics 7 (11), 901-906, 2011
Spectral properties of the Anderson impurity model: Comparison of numerical-renormalization-group and noncrossing-approximation results
TA Costi, J Kroha, P Wölfle
Physical Review B 53 (4), 1850, 1996
Temperature dependence of the Kondo resonance and its satellites in CeCu 2 Si 2
F Reinert, D Ehm, S Schmidt, G Nicolay, S Hüfner, J Kroha, O Trovarelli, ...
Physical review letters 87 (10), 106401, 2001
Nonequilibrium transport through a Kondo dot: Decoherence effects
J Paaske, A Rosch, J Kroha, P Wölfle
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (15), 155301, 2004
Nonequilibrium dynamics of the Anderson impurity model
MH Hettler, J Kroha, S Hershfield
Physical Review B 58 (9), 5649, 1998
The Kondo effect in non-equilibrium quantum dots: perturbative renormalization group
A Rosch, J Paaske, J Kroha, P Wölfle
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 74 (1), 118-126, 2005
Observation of a non-Hermitian phase transition in an optical quantum gas
FE Öztürk, T Lappe, G Hellmann, J Schmitt, J Klaers, F Vewinger, J Kroha, ...
Science 372 (6537), 88-91, 2021
High-resolution photoemission study on low- Ce systems: Kondo resonance, crystal field structures, and their temperature dependence
D Ehm, S Hüfner, F Reinert, J Kroha, P Wölfle, O Stockert, C Geibel, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (4), 045117, 2007
Nonlinear conductance for the two channel Anderson model
MH Hettler, J Kroha, S Hershfield
Physical review letters 73 (14), 1967, 1994
Self-consistent theory of Anderson localization for the tight-binding model with site-diagonal disorder
J Kroha, T Kopp, P Wölfle
Physical Review B 41 (1), 888(R), 1990
Observation of topological transport quantization by dissipation in fast Thouless pumps
Z Fedorova, H Qiu, S Linden, J Kroha
Nature communications 11, 3758, 2020
Ultrafast optical tuning of ferromagnetism via the carrier density
M Matsubara, A Schroer, A Schmehl, A Melville, C Becher, ...
Nature communications 6, 6724, 2015
π junction behavior and Andreev bound states in Kondo quantum dots with superconducting leads
G Sellier, T Kopp, J Kroha, YS Barash
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (17), 174502, 2005
Spin correlations and finite-size effects in the one-dimensional Kondo box
T Hand, J Kroha, H Monien
Physical review letters 97 (13), 136604, 2006
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مقالات 1–20