Jay Plasman
Jay Plasman
Assistant Professor, The Ohio State University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Linking the timing of career and technical education coursetaking with high school dropout and college-going behavior
MA Gottfried, JS Plasman
American Educational Research Journal 55 (2), 325-361, 2018
Applied STEM coursework, high school dropout rates, and students with learning disabilities
JS Plasman, MA Gottfried
Educational policy 32 (5), 664-696, 2018
Reducing the achievement gap: Middle grades mathematics performance and improvement
A Bjorklund-Young, JS Plasman
RMLE Online 43 (10), 25-45, 2020
Are there academic CTE cluster pipelines? Linking high school CTE coursetaking and postsecondary credentials
JS Plasman, M Gottfried, C Sublett
Career and Technical Education Research 42 (3), 219-242, 2017
Career/education plans and student engagement in secondary school
JS Plasman
American Journal of Education 124 (2), 217-246, 2018
How Does Applied STEM Coursework Relate to Mathematics and Science Self-Efficacy Among High School Students? Evidence from a National Sample.
C Sublett, JS Plasman
Journal of Career and Technical Education 32 (1), 2018
From secondary to postsecondary: Charting an engineering career and technical education pathway
MA Gottfried, JS Plasman
Journal of Engineering Education 107 (4), 531-555, 2018
Parents’ occupations and students’ success in STEM fields: A systematic review and narrative synthesis
J Plasman, M Gottfried, D Williams, M Ippolito, A Owens
Adolescent Research Review 6, 33-44, 2021
School absence in the United States: Understanding the role of STEM-related vocational education and training in encouraging attendance
JS Plasman, MA Gottfried
Journal of Vocational Education & Training 74 (4), 531-553, 2022
Sometimes less, sometimes more: Trends in career and technical education participation for students with disabilities
R Theobald, J Plasman, M Gottfried, T Gratz, K Holden, D Goldhaber
Educational Researcher 51 (1), 40-50, 2022
Trending up: A cross-cohort exploration of STEM career and technical education participation by low-income students
JS Plasman, MA Gottfried, D Klasik
Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk (JESPAR) 25 (1), 55-78, 2020
Linking occupational concentration to hourly wages for non-college going individuals
JS Plasman
Journal of Career and Technical Education 34 (1), 2019
Following in their footsteps: The relationship between parent STEM occupation and student STEM coursetaking in high school
JS Plasman, M Gottfried, D Williams
Journal for STEM Education Research 4 (1), 27-46, 2021
Then and Now: Depicting a Changing National Profile of STEM Career and Technical Education Coursetakers
JS Plasman, MA Gottfried, EL Hutt
Teachers College Record 122 (2), 2020
Is there a career and technical education coursetaking pipeline between high school and college?
JS Plasman, MA Gottfried, C Sublett
Teachers College Record 121 (3), 1-32, 2019
Promoting persistence: Can computer science career and technical education courses support educational advancement for students with learning disabilities?
JS Plasman, M Gottfried, J Freeman, S Dougherty
Policy Futures in Education, 14782103211049913, 2022
Do career-engaging courses engage low-income students?
JS Plasman, MA Gottfried, DJ Klasik
AERA Open 7, 23328584211053324, 2021
Who’s taking what?“Applied STEM” coursetaking for high school students with learning disabilities
MA Gottfried, J Plasman, JA Freeman, S Dougherty
AERA Open 7, 2332858421999078, 2021
STEM-focused career courses and college pipeline for students with learning disabilities
JA Freeman, MA Gottfried, JS Plasman
Educational Policy 37 (2), 308-338, 2023
The value of informal learning within work‐based learning: The economic benefits of WBL
J Plasman, C Thompson
International Journal of Training and Development 27 (3-4), 305-326, 2023
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مقالات 1–20