Calandra Q. Stanley
Calandra Q. Stanley
Post-doctoral Fellow, Georgetown University; Research Associate, Smithsonian Conservation Biology
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Repeat tracking of individual songbirds reveals consistent migration timing but flexibility in route
CQ Stanley, M MacPherson, KC Fraser, EA McKinnon, BJM Stutchbury
PloS one 7 (7), e40688, 2012
Connectivity of wood thrush breeding, wintering, and migration sites based on range‐wide tracking
CQ Stanley, EA McKinnon, KC Fraser, MP Macpherson, G Casbourn, ...
Conservation Biology 29 (1), 164-174, 2015
Tracking from the tropics reveals behaviour of juvenile songbirds on their first spring migration
EA McKinnon, KC Fraser, CQ Stanley, BJM Stutchbury
PloS one 9 (8), e105605, 2014
Insect noise avoidance in the dawn chorus of Neotropical birds
CQ Stanley, MH Walter, MX Venkatraman, GS Wilkinson
Animal Behaviour 112, 255-265, 2016
Carry-over effects of nonbreeding habitat on start-to-finish spring migration performance of a songbird
EA McKinnon, CQ Stanley, BJM Stutchbury
PLoS One 10 (11), e0141580, 2015
Estimating geolocator accuracy for a migratory songbird using live ground-truthing in tropical forest
EA McKinnon, CQ Stanley, KC Fraser, MM MacPherson, G Casbourn, ...
Animal Migration 2 (2013), 1-8, 2013
Seasonal variation in habitat selection for a Neotropical migratory songbird using high‐resolution GPS tracking
CQ Stanley, MR Dudash, TB Ryder, WG Shriver, K Serno, ...
Ecosphere 12 (3), e03421, 2021
Variable tropical moisture and food availability underlie mixed winter space-use strategies in a migratory songbird
CQ Stanley, MR Dudash, TB Ryder, W Gregory Shriver, PP Marra
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288 (1955), 20211220, 2021
Food limitation modulates the endogenous control of spring migratory behavior in a captive long-distance migratory bird population
CQ Stanley, SH Hallager, MR Dudash, PP Marra
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 76 (10), 136, 2022
Incorporating drivers of global change throughout the annual cycle in species distribution models for migratory birds: a gap in ecological forecasting
HC Stevens, EJ Williams, CQ Stanley, BC Dossman, I Ciaburri, ...
Frontiers in Bird Science 2, 1230978, 2023
Ecological causes and consequences of non-breeding movements in a declining migratory songbird, Wood Thrush (Hylocichla mustelina)
CQ Stanley
Tracking from the Tropics Reveals Behaviour of Juvenile Songbirds on Their First Spring
EA McKinnon, KC Fraser, CQ Stanley, BJM Stutchbury
The nonbreeding season of wood thrush (Hylocichla mustelina): examining the winter ecology, migration ecology and migratory connectivity of a neotropical migratory songbird.
CQ Stanley
Library and Archives Canada= Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, Ottawa, 2014
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مقالات 1–13