Melih Ertan ÇINAR
Melih Ertan ÇINAR
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Alien species in the Mediterranean Sea by 2010. A contribution to the application of European Union's Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). Part I. Spatial distribution
Mediterranean Marine Science 11 (2), 381-493, 2010
Impacts of invasive alien marine species on ecosystem services and biodiversity: a pan-European review
ME Çinar, M Arianoutsou, A Zenetos, D Golani
Aquatic Invasions 9 (4), 391-423, 2014
Annotated list of marine alien species in the Mediterranean with records of the worst invasive species
A Zenetos, ME Çinar, MA Pancucci-Papadopoulou, JG Harmelin, ...
Mediterranean marine science 6 (2), 63-118, 2005
Uncertainties and validation of alien species catalogues: The Mediterranean as an example
A Zenetos, ME Çinar, F Crocetta, D Golani, A Rosso, G Servello, ...
Estuarine, coastal and shelf science 191, 171-187, 2017
Ecoregion-based conservation planning in the Mediterranean: dealing with large-scale heterogeneity
S Giakoumi, M Sini, V Gerovasileiou, T Mazor, J Beher, HP Possingham, ...
PloS one 8 (10), e76449, 2013
New records of alien species on the Levantine coast of Turkey
Aquatic Invasions 1 (2), 84-90, 2006
An updated review of alien species on the coasts of Turkey
M Cinar, M Bilecenoglu, B ÖZTÜRK, T Katagan, M Yokes, V Aysel, ...
Mediterranean Marine Science 12 (2), 2011
Alien polychaete species worldwide: current status and their impacts
ME Çinar
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 93 (5 …, 2013
Alien species on the coasts of Turkey
ME Çinar, M Bilecenoglu, B Ozturk, T Katagan, V Aysel
Mediterranean Marine Science 6 (2), 119-146, 2005
Additions to the annotated list of marine alien biota in the Mediterranean with special emphasis on Foraminifera and Parasites
A Zenetos, E Meriç, M Verlaque, P Galli, CF Boudouresque, ...
Mediterranean Marine Science 9 (1), 119-166, 2008
Unpublished Mediterranean records of marine alien and cryptogenic species
S Katsanevakis, D Poursanidis, R Hoffman, J Rizgalla, SBS Rothman, ...
BioInvasions Records 9 (2), 165-182, 2020
Alien polychaete species (Annelida: Polychaeta) on the southern coast of Turkey (Levantine Sea, eastern Mediterranean), with 13 new records for the Mediterranean Sea
ME Çinar
Journal of Natural History 43 (37-38), 2283-2328, 2009
Temporal changes of soft‐bottom zoobenthic communities in and around Alsancak Harbor (Izmir Bay, Aegean Sea), with special attention to the autecology of exotic species
ME Çinar, T Katagan, B Öztürk, Ö Egemen, Z Ergen, A Kocatas, M Önen, ...
Marine Ecology 27 (3), 229-246, 2006
Faunal assemblages of the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis in and around Alsancak Harbour (Izmir Bay, eastern Mediterranean) with special emphasis on alien species
ME Çinar, T Katağan, F Koçak, B Öztürk, Z Ergen, A Kocatas, M Önen, ...
Journal of Marine Systems 71 (1-2), 1-17, 2008
Checklist of Annelida from the coasts of Turkey
ME Cinar, E DAĞLI, GK Şahin
Turkish Journal of Zoology 38 (6), 734-764, 2014
Current status (as of end of 2020) of marine alien species in Turkey
ME Çinar, M Bilecenoğlu, MB Yokeş, B Öztürk, E Taşkin, K Bakir, A Doğan, ...
PLoS One 16 (5), e0251086, 2021
Prioritizing marine invasive alien species in the European Union through horizon scanning
K Tsiamis, E Azzurro, M Bariche, ME Çinar, F Crocetta, O De Clerck, ...
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 30 (4), 794-845, 2020
Fouling organisms and their developments in a polluted and unpolluted marina in the Aegean Sea (Turkey)
F Kocak, Z Ergen, ME Çinar
Ophelia 50 (1), 1-20, 1999
Serpulid species (Polychaeta: Serpulidae) from the Levantine coast of Turkey (eastern Mediterranean), with special emphasis on alien species
ME Çinar
Aquatic invasions 1 (4), 223-240, 2006
Polychaetes from the coast of northern Cyprus (eastern Mediterranean Sea), with two new records for the Mediterranean Sea
ME Cinar
CBM-Cahiers de Biologie Marine. 46 (2), 143-160, 2005
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20