Elizabeth Olivier
Elizabeth Olivier
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Student self-efficacy, classroom engagement, and academic achievement: Comparing three theoretical frameworks
E Olivier, I Archambault, M De Clercq, B Galand
Journal of youth and adolescence 48, 326-340, 2019
Internalizing and externalizing behavior problems and student engagement in elementary and secondary school students
E Olivier, AJS Morin, J Langlois, K Tardif-Grenier, I Archambault
Journal of youth and adolescence 49, 2327-2346, 2020
Need-supportive teaching and student engagement in the classroom: Comparing the additive, synergistic, and global contributions
E Olivier, B Galand, AJS Morin, V Hospel
Learning and Instruction 71, 101389, 2021
Boys' and girls' latent profiles of behavior and social adjustment in school: Longitudinal links with later student behavioral engagement and academic achievement?
E Olivier, I Archambault, V Dupéré
Journal of School Psychology 69, 28-44, 2018
Understanding behavioural engagement and achievement: The roles of teaching practices and student sense of competence and task value
E Olivier, B Galand, V Hospel, S Dellisse
British Journal of Educational Psychology 90 (4), 887-909, 2020
Hyperactivity, inattention, and student engagement: The protective role of relationships with teachers and peers
E Olivier, I Archambault
Learning and Individual Differences 59, 86-95, 2017
Approach and avoidance in Gray's, Higgins', and Elliot's perspectives: A theoretical comparison and integration of approach-avoidance in motivated behavior
A Monni, E Olivier, AJS Morin, MO Belardinelli, K Mulvihill, LF Scalas
Personality and Individual Differences 166, 110163, 2020
Student engagement and school dropout: Theories, evidence, and future directions
I Archambault, M Janosz, E Olivier, V Dupéré
Handbook of research on student engagement, 331-355, 2022
The joint effect of peer victimization and conflict with teachers on student engagement at the end of elementary school
I Archambault, V Kurdi, E Olivier, M Goulet
Merrill-Palmer Quarterly 62 (2), 207-232, 2016
The moderating role of teacher-student relationships on the association between peer victimization and depression in students with intellectual disabilities
E Olivier, P Azarnia, AJS Morin, SA Houle, C Dubé, D Tracey, C Maïano
Research in Developmental Disabilities 98, 103572, 2020
Canadian adolescents’ internalized symptoms in pandemic times: Association with sociodemographic characteristics, confinement habits, and support
K Tardif-Grenier, I Archambault, V Dupéré, AK Marks, E Olivier
Psychiatric quarterly 92, 1309-1325, 2021
Do needs for competence and relatedness mediate the risk of low engagement of students with behavior and social problem profiles?
E Olivier, I Archambault, V Dupéré
Learning and individual differences 78, 101842, 2020
The baby and the bathwater: On the need for substantive–methodological synergy in organizational research
J Hofmans, AJS Morin, H Breitsohl, E Ceulemans, LA Chénard-Poirier, ...
Industrial and Organizational Psychology 14 (4), 497-504, 2021
Chronic and temporary exposure to student violence predicts emotional exhaustion in high school teachers
E Olivier, M Janosz, AJS Morin, I Archambault, S Geoffrion, S Pascal, ...
Journal of School Violence 20 (2), 195-211, 2021
Profiles of anxious and depressive symptoms among adolescent boys and girls: Associations with coping strategies
E Olivier, AJS Morin, K Tardif-Grenier, I Archambault, V Dupéré, C Hébert
Journal of youth and adolescence 51 (3), 570-584, 2022
Examining the contribution of student anxiety and opposition-defiance to the internal dynamics of affective, Cognitive and Behavioural Engagement in Math
I Archambault, S Pascal, E Olivier, V Dupere, M Janosz, S Parent, ...
Learning and Instruction 79, 101593, 2022
Student-teacher relationship and classroom goal structure profiles: Promoting achievement and preventing externalizing and internalizing behaviors
A Gallo, E Olivier, I Archambault, AJS Morin
Learning and Instruction 82, 101684, 2022
Teacher emotional exhaustion: The synergistic roles of self-efficacy and student–teacher relationships
E Olivier, L Lazariuk, I Archambault, AJS Morin
Social Psychology of Education 27 (1), 1-22, 2024
The interconnected development of depressive symptoms and school functioning from mid-adolescence to early adulthood: A piecewise growth mixture analysis.
E Olivier, AJS Morin, V Leo, K Salmela-Aro
Journal of Educational Psychology 115 (3), 427, 2023
L’engagement des élèves à l’école: Définir et intervenir
I Archambault, E Olivier
N. Rousseau et G. Espinosa. Le bien-être à l’école: enjeux et stratégies …, 2018
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مقالات 1–20