Konstadia (Dina) Lika
Konstadia (Dina) Lika
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
From molecules to ecosystems through dynamic energy budget models
RM Nisbet, EB Muller, K Lika, S Kooijman
Journal of animal ecology, 913-926, 2000
A model for the species–area–habitat relationship
KA Triantis, M Mylonas, K Lika, K Vardinoyannis
Journal of Biogeography 30 (1), 19-27, 2003
The “covariation method” for estimating the parameters of the standard Dynamic Energy Budget model I: Philosophy and approach
K Lika, MR Kearney, V Freitas, HW van der Veer, J van der Meer, ...
Journal of Sea Research 66 (4), 270-277, 2011
The AmP project: comparing species on the basis of dynamic energy budget parameters
GM Marques, S Augustine, K Lika, L Pecquerie, T Domingos, ...
PLoS computational biology 14 (5), e1006100, 2018
Re‐approaching the small island effect
KA Triantis, K Vardinoyannis, EP Tsolaki, I Botsaris, K Lika, M Mylonas
Journal of Biogeography 33 (5), 914-923, 2006
Modeling the biodegradation of phenolic compounds by microalgae
K Lika, IA Papadakis
Journal of Sea Research 62 (2-3), 135-146, 2009
Temperature tolerance and energetics: a dynamic energy budget-based comparison of North Atlantic marine species
V Freitas, JFMF Cardoso, K Lika, MA Peck, J Campos, SALM Kooijman, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 365 …, 2010
The “covariation method” for estimating the parameters of the standard Dynamic Energy Budget model II: Properties and preliminary patterns
K Lika, MR Kearney, SALM Kooijman
Journal of Sea Research 66 (4), 278-288, 2011
Species richness, environmental heterogeneity and area: a case study based on land snails in Skyros archipelago (Aegean Sea, Greece)
KA Triantis, M Mylonas, MD Weiser, K Lika, K Vardinoyannis
Journal of Biogeography 32 (10), 1727-1735, 2005
Life history implications of allocation to growth versus reproduction in dynamic energy budgets
K Lika, SALM Kooijman
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 65 (5), 809-834, 2003
A dynamic energy budget model based on partitioning of net production
K Lika, RM Nisbet
Journal of Mathematical Biology 41 (4), 361-386, 2000
Fitting multiple models to multiple data sets
GM Marques, K Lika, S Augustine, L Pecquerie, SALM Kooijman
Journal of Sea Research 143, 48-56, 2019
The bijection from data to parameter space with the standard DEB model quantifies the supply–demand spectrum
K Lika, S Augustine, L Pecquerie, SALM Kooijman
Journal of theoretical biology 354, 35-47, 2014
A DEB model for European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax): Parameterisation and application in aquaculture
O Stavrakidis-Zachou, N Papandroulakis, K Lika
Journal of Sea Research 143, 262-271, 2019
Incorporating suborganismal processes into dynamic energy budget models for ecological risk assessment
CA Murphy, RM Nisbet, P Antczak, N Garcia‐Reyero, A Gergs, K Lika, ...
Integrated environmental assessment and management 14 (5), 615-624, 2018
Resource allocation to reproduction in animals
SALM Kooijman, K Lika
Biological Reviews 89 (4), 849-859, 2014
Prediction of marine species distribution from presence–absence acoustic data: comparing the fitting efficiency and the predictive capacity of conventional and novel …
A Palialexis, S Georgakarakos, I Karakassis, K Lika, VD Valavanis
Hydrobiologia 670, 241-266, 2011
The comparative topology of energy allocation in budget models
K Lika, SALM Kooijman
Journal of Sea Research 66 (4), 381-391, 2011
Metabolic acceleration in Mediterranean perciformes
K Lika, SALM Kooijman, N Papandroulakis
Journal of sea research 94, 37-46, 2014
Comparative energetics of the 5 fish classes on the basis of dynamic energy budgets
SALM Kooijman, K Lika
Journal of Sea Research 94, 19-28, 2014
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مقالات 1–20