Elliott Lieb
Elliott Lieb
Prof. of mathematics and physics, Princeton University
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
EH Lieb, M Loss
American Mathematical Soc., 2001
Two soluble models of an antiferromagnetic chain
E Lieb, T Schultz, D Mattis
Annals of Physics 16 (3), 407-466, 1961
Absence of Mott transition in an exact solution of the short-range, one-band model in one dimension
EH Lieb, FY Wu
Physical Review Letters 20 (25), 1445, 1968
Exact analysis of an interacting Bose gas. I. The general solution and the ground state
EH Lieb, W Liniger
Physical Review 130 (4), 1605, 1963
Rigorous results on valence-bond ground states in antiferromagnets
I Affleck, T Kennedy, EH Lieb, H Tasaki
Condensed Matter Physics and Exactly Soluble Models: Selecta of Elliott H …, 2004
A relation between pointwise convergence of functions and convergence of functionals
H Brézis, E Lieb
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 88 (3), 486-490, 1983
Two theorems on the Hubbard model
EH Lieb
Physical review letters 62 (10), 1201, 1989
Valence bond ground states in isotropic quantum antiferromagnets
I Affleck, T Kennedy, EH Lieb, H Tasaki
Communications in Mathematical Physics 115 (3), 477-528, 1988
The finite group velocity of quantum spin systems
EH Lieb, DW Robinson
Communications in mathematical physics 28 (3), 251-257, 1972
Density functionals for Coulomb systems
EH Lieb
Inequalities: Selecta of Elliott H. Lieb, 269-303, 2002
Sharp constants in the Hardy-Littlewood-Sobolev and related inequalities
EH Lieb
Inequalities: Selecta of Elliott H. Lieb, 529-554, 1983
Exact solution of a many-fermion system and its associated boson field
DC Mattis, EH Lieb
Condensed Matter Physics and Exactly Soluble Models: Selecta of Elliott H …, 2004
Exact analysis of an interacting Bose gas. II. The excitation spectrum
EH Lieb
Physical Review 130 (4), 1616, 1963
Relations between the ‘percolation’and ‘colouring’problem and other graph-theoretical problems associated with regular planar lattices: some exact results for the ‘percolation …
HNV Temperley, EH Lieb
Condensed Matter Physics and Exactly Soluble Models: Selecta of Elliott H …, 2004
Existence and uniqueness of the minimizing solution of Choquard's nonlinear equation
EH Lieb
Studies in Applied Mathematics 57 (2), 93-105, 1977
On extensions of the Brunn-Minkowski and Prékopa-Leindler theorems, including inequalities for log concave functions, and with an application to the diffusion equation
HJ Brascamp, EH Lieb
Journal of functional analysis 22 (4), 366-389, 1976
On the superradiant phase transition for molecules in a quantized radiation field: the Dicke maser model
K Hepp, EH Lieb
Annals of Physics 76 (2), 360-404, 1973
Two-dimensional Ising model as a soluble problem of many fermions
TD Schultz, DC Mattis, EH Lieb
Reviews of Modern Physics 36 (3), 856, 1964
Proof of the strong subadditivity of quantum-mechanical entropy
EH Lieb, MB Ruskai
Les rencontres physiciens-mathématiciens de Strasbourg-RCP25 19, 36-55, 1973
Thomas-Fermi and related theories of atoms and molecules
EH Lieb
Reviews of Modern Physics 53 (4), 603, 1981
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مقالات 1–20