Megan Foley-Nicpon
Megan Foley-Nicpon
Professor of Counseling Psychology, Director of the Belin-Blank Center at the University of Iowa
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Empirical investigation of twice-exceptionality: Where have we been and where are we going?
M Foley Nicpon, A Allmon, B Sieck, RD Stinson
Gifted child quarterly 55 (1), 3-17, 2011
The relationship of loneliness and social support with college freshmen's academic performance and persistence
MF Nicpon, L Huser, EH Blanks, S Sollenberger, C Befort, SER Kurpius
Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice 8 (3), 345-358, 2006
Body image, self-esteem, and health-related behaviors among male and female first year college students
SE Lowery, SER Kurpius, C Befort, EH Blanks, S Sollenberger, ...
Journal of college student development 46 (6), 612-623, 2005
Twice-exceptional learners: Who needs to know what?
M Foley-Nicpon, SG Assouline, N Colangelo
Gifted Child Quarterly 57 (3), 169-180, 2013
Cognitive and psychosocial characteristics of gifted students with written language disability
SG Assouline, M Foley Nicpon, C Whiteman
Gifted Child Quarterly 54 (2), 102-115, 2010
The impact of vulnerabilities and strengths on the academic experiences of twice-exceptional students: A message to school counselors
SG Assouline, MF Nicpon, DH Huber
Professional School Counseling 10 (1_suppl), 2156759X0601001S03, 2006
Parent, teacher, and self perceptions of psychosocial functioning in intellectually gifted children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder
M Foley Nicpon, AF Doobay, SG Assouline
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 40, 1028-1038, 2010
Career goals and retention-related factors among college freshmen
E Hull-Blanks, SER Kurpius, C Befort, S Sollenberger, MF Nicpon, ...
Journal of Career Development 32 (1), 16-30, 2005
Predicting the academic achievement of gifted students with autism spectrum disorder
SG Assouline, M Foley Nicpon, L Dockery
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 42, 1781-1789, 2012
Self-esteem and self-concept examination among gifted students with ADHD
M Foley-Nicpon, H Rickels, SG Assouline, A Richards
Journal for the Education of the Gifted 35 (3), 220-240, 2012
Profoundly gifted girls and autism spectrum disorder: A psychometric case study comparison
SG Assouline, MF Nicpon, A Doobay
Gifted child quarterly 53 (2), 89-105, 2009
Cognitive and academic distinctions between gifted students with autism and Asperger syndrome
M Foley-Nicpon, SG Assouline, RD Stinson
Gifted Child Quarterly 56 (2), 77-89, 2012
Spirituality among college freshmen: Relationships to self‐esteem, body image, and stress
JW Hayman, SR Kurpius, C Befort, MF Nicpon, E Hull‐Blanks, ...
Counseling and Values 52 (1), 55-70, 2007
Counseling considerations for the twice‐exceptional client
M Foley‐Nicpon, SG Assouline
Journal of Counseling & Development 93 (2), 202-211, 2015
Cognitive, adaptive, and psychosocial differences between high ability youth with and without autism spectrum disorder
AF Doobay, M Foley-Nicpon, SR Ali, SG Assouline
Journal of autism and developmental disorders 44, 2026-2040, 2014
APA handbook of giftedness and talent.
SI Pfeiffer, EE Shaunessy-Dedrick, ME Foley-Nicpon
American Psychological Association, 2018
Body image, self-esteem, and weight-related criticism form romantic partners.
C Befort, SE Robinson Kurpius, E Hull-Blanks, MF Nicpon, L Huser, ...
Journal of College Student Development, 2001
Disability research in counseling psychology journals: A 20-year content analysis.
M Foley-Nicpon, S Lee
Journal of Counseling Psychology 59 (3), 392, 2012
“Nothing fits exactly”: Experiences of Asian American parents of twice-exceptional children
S Park, M Foley-Nicpon, A Choate, M Bolenbaugh
Gifted Child Quarterly 62 (3), 306-319, 2018
Mood, marriage and menopause.
SER Kurpius, MF Nicpon, SE Maresh
Journal of Counseling Psychology 48 (1), 77, 2001
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مقالات 1–20