Amie R. Newins
Amie R. Newins
Assistant Professor, University of Central Florida
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The prevalence of posttraumatic stress disorder in Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom (OEF/OIF) veterans: A meta-analysis
JJ Fulton, PS Calhoun, HR Wagner, AR Schry, LP Hair, N Feeling, ...
Journal of anxiety disorders 31, 98-107, 2015
Understanding the relationship between social anxiety and alcohol use in college students: A meta-analysis
AR Schry, SW White
Addictive Behaviors 38 (11), 2690-2706, 2013
Brief report: The assessment of anxiety in high-functioning adolescents with autism spectrum disorder
SW White, AR Schry, BB Maddox
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 42, 1138-1145, 2012
Psychotherapy targeting depression and anxiety for use in palliative care: a meta-analysis
JJ Fulton, AR Newins, LS Porter, K Ramos
Journal of Palliative Medicine 21 (7), 1024-1037, 2018
Measuring social anxiety in college students: a comprehensive evaluation of the psychometric properties of the SPAI-23.
AR Schry, R Roberson-Nay, SW White
Psychological assessment 24 (4), 846, 2012
The association between military sexual trauma and use of VA and non-VA health care services among female veterans with military service in Iraq or Afghanistan
PS Calhoun, AR Schry, PA Dennis, HR Wagner, NA Kimbrel, LA Bastian, ...
Journal of Interpersonal Violence 33 (15), 2439-2464, 2018
Prevalence and correlates of cannabis use in an outpatient VA posttraumatic stress disorder clinic.
EL Gentes, AR Schry, TA Hicks, CP Clancy, CF Collie, AC Kirby, ...
Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 30 (3), 415, 2016
Higher rates of unacknowledged rape among men: The role of rape myth acceptance.
RA Reed, JT Pamlanye, HR Truex, MC Murphy-Neilson, KP Kunaniec, ...
Psychology of Men & Masculinities 21 (1), 162, 2020
Functional correlates of military sexual assault in male veterans
AR Schry, R Hibberd, HR Wagner, JA Turchik, NA Kimbrel, M Wong, ...
Psychological Services 12 (4), 384-393, 0
Sexual assertiveness mediates the effect of social interaction anxiety on sexual victimization risk among college women
AR Schry, SW White
Behavior therapy 44 (1), 125-136, 2013
Cannabis use disorder and suicide attempts in Iraq/Afghanistan-era veterans
NA Kimbrel, AR Newins, EA Dedert, EE Van Voorhees, EB Elbogen, ...
Journal of psychiatric research 89, 1-5, 2017
The impact of rape acknowledgment on survivor outcomes: The moderating effects of rape myth acceptance
LC Wilson, AR Newins, SW White
Journal of Clinical Psychology 74 (6), 926-939, 2018
Rape myth acceptance and rape acknowledgment: The mediating role of sexual refusal assertiveness
AR Newins, LC Wilson, SW White
Psychiatry Research 263, 15-21, 2018
Title IX sexual violence reporting requirements: Knowledge and opinions of responsible employees and students
AR Newins, SW White
Journal of aggression, conflict and peace research 10 (2), 74-82, 2018
Title IX mandated reporting: The views of university employees and students
AR Newins, E Bernstein, R Peterson, JC Waldron, SW White
Behavioral Sciences 8 (11), 106, 2018
Social anxiety in adolescents on the autism spectrum.
SW White, AR Schry
American Psychological Association, 2011
Social worries and difficulties: Autism and/or social anxiety disorder?
SW White, AR Schry, NL Kreiser
Handbook of autism and anxiety, 121-136, 2014
Barriers to the use of Veterans Affairs health care services among female veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan.
AR Newins, SM Wilson, TA Hopkins, K Straits-Troster, H Kudler, ...
Psychological Services 16 (3), 484, 2019
Effects of verbal ability and severity of autism on anxiety in adolescents with ASD: One-year follow-up after cognitive behavioral therapy
SW White, AR Schry, Y Miyazaki, TH Ollendick, L Scahill
Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 44 (5), 839-845, 2015
Sexual revictimization among Iraq and Afghanistan war era veterans
AR Schry, JC Beckham, TVAMAM Workgroup, PS Calhoun
Psychiatry Research 240, 406-411, 2016
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مقالات 1–20