Shasha Yuan
Shasha Yuan
Qufu Normal University
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على qfnu.edu.cn
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Scalp EEG classification using deep Bi-LSTM network for seizure detection
X Hu, S Yuan, F Xu, Y Leng, K Yuan, Q Yuan
Computers in Biology and Medicine 124, 103919, 2020
Multifractal analysis and relevance vector machine-based automatic seizure detection in intracranial EEG
Y Zhang, W Zhou, S Yuan
International journal of neural systems 25 (06), 1550020, 2015
Epileptic seizure prediction using diffusion distance and bayesian linear discriminate analysis on intracranial EEG
S Yuan, W Zhou, L Chen
International journal of neural systems 28 (01), 1750043, 2018
Epileptic EEG classification based on kernel sparse representation
Q Yuan, W Zhou, S Yuan, X Li, J Wang, G Jia
International journal of neural systems 24 (04), 1450015, 2014
Iris recognition based on a novel variation of local binary pattern
C Li, W Zhou, S Yuan
the visual computer 31, 1419-1429, 2015
Seizure detection method based on fractal dimension and gradient boosting
Y Zhang, W Zhou, S Yuan, Q Yuan
Epilepsy & Behavior 43, 30-38, 2015
Automatic seizure detection using Stockwell transform and boosting algorithm for long-term EEG
A Yan, W Zhou, Q Yuan, S Yuan, Q Wu, X Zhao, J Wang
Epilepsy & Behavior 45, 8-14, 2015
Epileptic seizure prediction based on local mean decomposition and deep convolutional neural network
Z Yu, W Nie, W Zhou, F Xu, S Yuan, Y Leng, Q Yuan
The Journal of Supercomputing 76, 3462-3476, 2020
Automatic seizure detection using diffusion distance and BLDA in intracranial EEG
S Yuan, W Zhou, Q Yuan, Y Zhang, Q Meng
Epilepsy & Behavior 31, 339-345, 2014
Epileptic seizure detection with log-euclidean gaussian kernel-based sparse representation
S Yuan, W Zhou, Q Wu, Y Zhang
International journal of neural systems 26 (03), 1650011, 2016
Kernel collaborative representation-based automatic seizure detection in intracranial EEG
S Yuan, W Zhou, Q Yuan, X Li, Q Wu, X Zhao, J Wang
International Journal of Neural Systems 25 (02), 1550003, 2015
An improved sparse representation over learned dictionary method for seizure detection
J Li, W Zhou, S Yuan, Y Zhang, C Li, Q Wu
International journal of neural systems 26 (01), 1550035, 2016
L2,1-GRMF: an improved graph regularized matrix factorization method to predict drug-target interactions
Z Cui, YL Gao, JX Liu, LY Dai, SS Yuan
BMC bioinformatics 20, 1-13, 2019
The earth mover’s distance and Bayesian linear discriminant analysis for epileptic seizure detection in scalp EEG
S Yuan, J Liu, J Shang, X Kong, Q Yuan, Z Ma
Biomedical engineering letters 8, 373-382, 2018
LncRNA-disease associations prediction using bipartite local model with nearest profile-based association inferring
Z Cui, JX Liu, YL Gao, R Zhu, SS Yuan
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 24 (5), 1519-1527, 2019
Epileptic seizure detection based on variational mode decomposition and deep forest using EEG signals
X Liu, J Wang, J Shang, J Liu, L Dai, S Yuan
Brain Sciences 12 (10), 1275, 2022
The automatic detection of seizure based on tensor distance and bayesian linear discriminant analysis
D Ma, S Yuan, J Shang, J Liu, L Dai, X Kong, F Xu
International journal of neural systems 31 (05), 2150006, 2021
IDSSIM: an lncRNA functional similarity calculation model based on an improved disease semantic similarity method
W Fan, J Shang, F Li, Y Sun, S Yuan, JX Liu
BMC bioinformatics 21, 1-14, 2020
Automatic seizure detection based on kernel robust probabilistic collaborative representation
Z Yu, W Zhou, F Zhang, F Xu, S Yuan, Y Leng, Y Li, Q Yuan
Medical & biological engineering & computing 57, 205-219, 2019
Network analyses of integrated differentially expressed genes in papillary thyroid carcinoma to identify characteristic genes
J Shang, Q Ding, S Yuan, JX Liu, F Li, H Zhang
Genes 10 (1), 45, 2019
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مقالات 1–20