Katy Hayward
Katy Hayward
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The flag dispute: Anatomy of a protest
P Nolan, D Bryan, C Dwyer, K Hayward, K Radford, P Shirlow
Queen’s University, Belfast,(Institute for the Study of Conflict …, 2014
Irish Nationalism and European Integration: The official redefinition of the island of Ireland
K Hayward
Manchester University Press, 2010
Neither/Nor: The rejection of Unionist and Nationalist identities in post-Agreement Northern Ireland
K Hayward, C McManus
Capital & Class 43 (1), 139-155, 2019
Reiterating National Identities The European Union Conception of Conflict Resolution in Northern Ireland
K Hayward
Cooperation and Conflict 41 (3), 261-284, 2006
The EU’s influence on the peace process and agreement in Northern Ireland in light of Brexit
K Hayward, MC Murphy
Ethnopolitics 17 (3), 276-291, 2018
The European Union
K Hayward
Gill and Macmillan/Royal Irish Academy, 2012
The pivotal position of the Irish border in the UK's withdrawal from the European Union
K Hayward
Space and Polity 22 (2), 238-254, 2018
Cherry-picking the diaspora
K Hayward, K Howard
Immigration and social change in the Republic of Ireland, 47-62, 2007
The Business of Building Peace: Private Sector Cooperation across the Irish Border
K Hayward, E Magennis
Irish Political Studies 29 (1), 154-175, 2014
Mediating the European Ideal: Cross‐Border Programmes and Conflict Resolution on the Island of Ireland*
K Hayward
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 45 (3), 675-693, 2007
‘If at first you don't succeed…’: the second referendum on the treaty of Nice, 2002
K Hayward
Irish Political Studies 18 (1), 120-132, 2003
Bordering on Brexit: Views from local communities in the central border region of Ireland/Northern Ireland
K Hayward
Belfast: Queen’s University Belfast Centre for International Borders …, 2017
Reconfiguring spaces of conflict: Northern Ireland and the impact of European integration
T Diez, K Hayward
Space and Polity 12 (1), 47-62, 2008
UK Withdrawal (‘Brexit’) and the Good Friday Agreement
D Phinnemore, K Hayward
European Parliament Report. Retrieved September 20, 2018, 2017
Political Discourse and Conflict Resolution: Debating Peace in Northern Ireland
K Hayward, C O'Donnell
Routledge, 2010
The politics of nuance: Irish official discourse on Northern Ireland
K Hayward
Irish Political Studies 19 (1), 18-38, 2004
Discourses of equality in post-Agreement Northern Ireland
K Hayward, C Mitchell
Contemporary Politics 9 (3), 293-312, 2003
The (Soft) Power of Commitment: The EU and Conflict Resolution in Northern Ireland
K Hayward, MC Murphy
Ethnopolitics 11 (4), 439-452, 2012
The 2019 General Election in Northern Ireland: the Rise of the Centre Ground?
K Hayward
The Political Quarterly 91 (1), 49-55, 2020
Defusing the conflict in Northern Ireland: pathways of influence for the European Union
K Hayward
Birmingham: University of Birmingham EU Border Conflicts Series, working paper, 2004
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مقالات 1–20