Natalia Garanina
Natalia Garanina
Senior Reseacher, A.P. Ershov INSTITUTE OF INFORMATICS SYSTEMS, Novosibirsk, Russia
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Using multiple semantic measures for coreference resolution in ontology population
N Garanina, E Sidorova, I Kononenko, S Gorlatch
International Journal of Computing 16 (3), 166-176, 2017
poST: A process-oriented extension of the IEC 61131-3 structured text language
VE Zyubin, AS Rozov, IS Anureev, NO Garanina, V Vyatkin
IEEE Access 10, 35238-35250, 2022
Model checking knowledge and fixpoints.
NV Shilov, NO Garanina
FICS, 25-39, 2002
Towards safe cyber-physical systems: the Reflex language and its transformational semantics
I Anureev, N Garanina, T Liakh, A Rozov, H Schulte, V Zyubin
2019 International Siberian Conference on Control and Communications (SIBCON …, 2019
Update and abstraction in model checking of knowledge and branching time
NV Shilov, NO Garanina, KM Choe
Fundamenta Informaticae 72 (1-3), 347-361, 2006
Two-step deductive verification of control software using Reflex
I Anureev, N Garanina, T Liakh, A Rozov, V Zyubin, S Gorlatch
Perspectives of System Informatics: 12th International Andrei P. Ershov …, 2019
A multi-agent text analysis based on ontology of subject domain
N Garanina, E Sidorova, E Bodin
Perspectives of System Informatics: 9th International Ershov Informatics …, 2015
Event-driven temporal logic pattern for control software requirements specification
V Zyubin, I Anureev, N Garanina, S Staroletov, A Rozov, T Liakh
Fundamentals of Software Engineering: 9th International Conference, FSEN …, 2021
Ontology population as algebraic information system processing based on multi-agent natural language text analysis algorithms
NO Garanina, EA Sidorova
Programming and Computer Software 41, 140-148, 2015
Distributed Termination Detection by Counting Agent.
NO Garanina, EV Bodin
CS&P, 69-79, 2014
Model checking knowledge, actions and fixpoints
NO Garanina, NA Kalinina, NV Shilov
Proc. of Concurrency, Specification and Programming Workshop CS&P, 351-357, 2004
An ontology of specification patterns for verification of concurrent systems
N Garanina, V Zubin, T Lyakh, S Gorlatch
New Trends in Intelligent Software Methodologies, Tools and Techniques, 515-528, 2018
A temporal logic for programmable logic controllers
NO Garanina, IS Anureev, VE Zyubin, SM Staroletov, TV Liakh, AS Rozov, ...
Automatic Control and Computer Sciences 55 (7), 763-775, 2021
A Multi-agent Approach to Unstructured Data Analysis Based on Domain-specific Onthology.
NO Garanina, EA Sidorova, EV Bodin
CS&P, 122-132, 2013
Context-dependent Lexical and Syntactic Disambiguation in Ontology Population.
NO Garanina, EA Sidorova
CS&P, 101-112, 2016
Well-structured model checking of multiagent systems
NV Shilov, NO Garanina
International Andrei Ershov Memorial Conference on Perspectives of System …, 2006
Reasoning about programmable logic controllers
N Garanina, I Anureev, V Zyubin, A Rozov, T Liakh, S Gorlatch
System informatics 17, 33-42, 2020
Verification-oriented process ontology
NO Garanina, IS Anureev, OI Borovikova
Automatic Control and Computer Sciences 53, 584-594, 2019
Automatic verification of control software in cyber-physical systems with plant simulators
TV Lyakh, VE Zyubin, NO Garanina
Optoelectronics, Instrumentation and Data Processing 55, 189-197, 2019
Combining knowledge and fixpoints
NV Shilov, NO Garanina
Preprint, 2002
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مقالات 1–20