Qiduo Jin
Qiduo Jin
Postdoctoral fellow at National University of Defense Technology
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على hnu.edu.cn
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Crashworthiness of novel concentric auxetic reentrant honeycomb with negative Poisson's ratio biologically inspired by coconut palm
H Jiang, Y Ren, Q Jin, G Zhu, Y Hu, F Cheng
Thin-Walled Structures 154, 106911, 2020
Flexural performances of fiber face-sheets/corrugated core sandwich composite structures reinforced by horizontal stiffeners
H Jiang, Y Ren, Q Jin, G Zhu, Z Liu
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 168, 105307, 2020
Nonlinear size-dependent bending and forced vibration of internal flow-inducing pre-and post-buckled FG nanotubes
Q Jin, Y Ren
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 104, 106044, 2022
On static and dynamic snap-throughs of the imperfect post-buckled FG-GRC sandwich beams
Q Jin, X Hu, Y Ren, H Jiang
Journal of Sound and Vibration 489, 115684, 2020
A higher-order size-dependent beam model for nonlinear mechanics of fluid-conveying FG nanotubes incorporating surface energy
Q Jin, Y Ren, H Jiang, L Li
Composite Structures 269, 114022, 2021
Enhancing residual energy-absorption of perforated CFRP tube by a critical transition of failure mechanism
H Jiang, Y Ren, X Liu, Q Jin
Composite Structures 253, 112811, 2020
Vibration and snapthrough of fluid-conveying graphene-reinforced composite pipes under low-velocity impact
Y Ren, L Li, Q Jin, L Nie, F Peng
AIAA Journal 59 (12), 5091-5105, 2021
Imperfection sensitivity of free vibration of symmetrically/anti-symmetrically laminated FRC beams in thermally pre-and post-buckling equilibrium states
Q Jin, Y Ren, F Peng, H Jiang
Acta Astronautica 173, 240-251, 2020
A novel auxetic 3D lattice structure for enhancing energy absorption
W Zhang, H Yin, Y Wu, Q Jin, L Wu, G Wen, J Liu, X Wu
Composite Structures 326, 117620, 2023
Nonlinear size-dependent dynamic instability and local bifurcation of FG nanotubes transporting oscillatory fluids
Q Jin, Y Ren
Acta Mechanica Sinica 38 (3), 521513, 2022
Dynamic instability mechanism of post-buckled FG nanotubes transporting pulsatile flow: size-dependence and local/global dynamics
Q Jin, Y Ren
Applied Mathematical Modelling 111, 139-159, 2022
A novel synergistic multi-scale modeling framework to predict micro-and meso-scale damage behaviors of 2D triaxially braided composite
H Jiang, Y Ren, Q Jin
International Journal of Damage Mechanics 31 (1), 108-141, 2022
Coupled resonance of FGM nanotubes transporting super-critical high-speed pulsatile flow under forced vibration: size-dependence and bifurcation topology
Q Jin, Y Ren
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 404, 115834, 2023
Review on mechanics of fluid-conveying nanotubes
Q Jin, Y Ren
International Journal of Engineering Science 195, 104007, 2024
Contact dynamics of graphene reinforced composite nanotubes conveying high-speed nanofluid: size-dependence and local/global transient response
Q Jin, Y Ren
Acta Mechanica Sinica 39 (3), 122235, 2023
任毅如, 蒋宏勇, 金其多, 朱国华
航空学报 42 (3), 223978, 2021
Combined resonance of pulsatile flow-transporting FG nanotubes under forced excitation with movable boundary
Q Jin, Y Ren, FG Yuan
Nonlinear Dynamics 111 (7), 6157-6178, 2023
Crashworthiness of bio-inspired auxetic reentrant honeycomb with negative Poisson’s ratio
YL Ren, HY Jiang, QD Jin, GH Zhu
Acta Aeronautica Astronautica Sinica 42, 314-324, 2021
On the impact process and stress field of functionally graded graphene reinforced composite pipes with a viscoelastic interlayer
L Li, L Nie, Y Ren, Q Jin
Journal of Vibration and Control 29 (13-14), 3369-3383, 2023
Resonance interaction of flow-conveying nanotubes under forced vibration
Q Jin, FG Yuan, Y Ren
Acta Mechanica 234 (6), 2497-2517, 2023
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مقالات 1–20