Baraa T. Sharef
Baraa T. Sharef
Associate Professor, American University of Bahrain 🇧🇭
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Vehicular communication ad hoc routing protocols: A survey
BT Sharef, RA Alsaqour, M Ismail
Journal of network and computer applications 40, 363-396, 2014
An automated arabic text categorization based on the frequency ratio accumulation.
BT Sharef, N Omar, ZT Sharef
Int. Arab J. Inf. Technol. 11 (2), 213-221, 2014
Transfer learning and sentiment analysis of Bahraini dialects sequential text data using multilingual deep learning approach
TM Omran, BT Sharef, C Grosan, Y Li
Data & Knowledge Engineering 143, 102106, 2023
Performance evaluation for WiMAX 802.16 e OFDMA physical layer
ZT Sharef, AE Alaradi, BT Sharef
2012 Fourth International Conference on Computational Intelligence …, 2012
Improvised dynamic network connectivity model for vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs)
D Das, R Misra
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 122, 107-114, 2018
Robust and trust dynamic mobile gateway selection in heterogeneous VANET-UMTS network
B Sharef, R Alsaqour, M Alawi, M Abdelhaq, E Sundararajan
Vehicular communications 12, 75-87, 2018
The fourth industrial revolution: Implementation of artificial intelligence for growing business success
A Hamdan, AE Hassanien, A Razzaque, B Alareeni
Springer Nature, 2021
Comparative study of variant position-based VANET routing protocols
BT Sharef, RA Alsaqour, M Ismail
Procedia Technology 11, 532-539, 2013
Implementation of PRINCE algorithm in FPGA
YA Abbas, R Jidin, N Jamil, MR Z'aba, ME Rusli, B Tariq
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Information Technology …, 2014
A comparison of various vehicular ad hoc routing protocols based on communication environments
BT Sharef, RA Alsaqour, M Ismail, SM Bilal
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Ubiquitous Information …, 2013
Deep learning-based Iraqi banknotes classification system for blind people
SR Awad, BT Sharef, AM Salih, FL Malallah
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies 1 (2), 115, 2022
Performance analysis of black hole and worm hole attacks in MANETs
MH Al Rubaiei, HS Jassim, BT Sharef
International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security 14 …, 2022
Smiling and non-smiling emotion recognition based on lower-half face using deep-learning as convolutional neural network
F Malallah, A Al-Jubouri, A Sabaawi
Proceedings of the 1st International Multi-Disciplinary Conference Theme …, 2020
Current vulnerabilities, challenges and attacks on routing protocols for mobile ad hoc network: a review
M AlRubaiei, H sh Jassim, BT Sharef, S Safdar, ZT Sharef, FL Malallah
Swarm Intelligence for Resource Management in Internet of Things, 109-129, 2020
Contactless core-temperature monitoring by infrared thermal sensor using mean absolute error analysis
FL Malallah, BT Shareef, MG Saeed, KN Yasen
Recent Patents on Engineering 15 (4), 100-111, 2021
Hand detection and segmentation using smart path tracking fingers as features and expert system classifier
KN Yasen, FL Malallah, LF Abdulrazak, AM Darwesh, A Khmag, ...
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) 9 (6 …, 2019
Sentiment analysis of multilingual dataset of Bahraini dialects, Arabic, and English
T Omran, B Sharef, C Grosan, Y Li
Data 8 (4), 68, 2023
Human immune-based model for intrusion detection in mobile ad hoc networks
M Abdelhaq, R Alsaqour, A Algarni, M Alabdulhafith, M Alawi, A Taha, ...
Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications 13, 1046-1068, 2020
Additive noise level estimation based on singular value decomposition (SVD) in natural digital images
A Khmag, FL Malallah, BT Sharef
2019 IEEE International Conference on Signal and Image Processing …, 2019
Irreversible Biometric Template Protection by Trigonometric Function
FL Malallah, ZA Aljawaryy, BT Sharef, A Khmag, LFA Razak.
international review on computers and software (IRECOS) 11 (12), 1138-1146, 2016
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20