Florian Huber
Florian Huber
Professor for Data Science, HSD - Düsseldorf University of Applied Sciences
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على hs-duesseldorf.de
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
GGIR: a research community–driven open source R package for generating physical activity and sleep outcomes from multi-day raw accelerometer data
JH Migueles, AV Rowlands, F Huber, S Sabia, VT van Hees
Journal for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour 2 (3), 188-196, 2019
Cytoskeletal crosstalk: when three different personalities team up
F Huber, A Boire, MP López, GH Koenderink
Current opinion in cell biology 32, 39-47, 2015
Emergent complexity of the cytoskeleton: from single filaments to tissue
F Huber, J Schnauß, S Rönicke, P Rauch, K Müller, C Fütterer, J Käs
Advances in physics 62 (1), 1-112, 2013
DOME: recommendations for supervised machine learning validation in biology
I Walsh, D Fishman, D Garcia-Gasulla, T Titma, G Pollastri, J Harrow, ...
Nature methods 18 (10), 1122-1127, 2021
Spec2Vec: Improved mass spectral similarity scoring through learning of structural relationships
F Huber, L Ridder, S Verhoeven, JH Spaaks, F Diblen, S Rogers, ...
PLoS computational biology 17 (2), e1008724, 2021
Actin–microtubule coordination at growing microtubule ends
MP López, F Huber, I Grigoriev, MO Steinmetz, A Akhmanova, ...
Nature communications 5 (1), 4778, 2014
Artificial intelligence for natural product drug discovery
MW Mullowney, KR Duncan, SS Elsayed, N Garg, JJJ van der Hooft, ...
Nature Reviews Drug Discovery 22 (11), 895-916, 2023
Advances in decomposing complex metabolite mixtures using substructure-and network-based computational metabolomics approaches
MA Beniddir, KB Kang, G Genta-Jouve, F Huber, S Rogers, ...
Natural product reports 38 (11), 1967-1993, 2021
A community resource for paired genomic and metabolomic data mining
MA Schorn, S Verhoeven, L Ridder, F Huber, DD Acharya, AA Aksenov, ...
Nature Chemical Biology 17 (4), 363-368, 2021
MS2DeepScore: a novel deep learning similarity measure to compare tandem mass spectra
F Huber, S van der Burg, JJJ van der Hooft, L Ridder
Journal of cheminformatics 13 (1), 84, 2021
matchms - processing and similarity evaluation of mass spectrometry data
F Huber, S Verhoeven, C Meijer, H Spreeuw, EMV Castilla, C Geng, ...
Journal of Open Source Software 5 (52), 2020
Formation of regularly spaced networks as a general feature of actin bundle condensation by entropic forces
F Huber, D Strehle, J Schnauß, J Käs
New Journal of Physics 17 (4), 043029, 2015
Good practices and recommendations for using and benchmarking computational metabolomics metabolite annotation tools
NF de Jonge, K Mildau, D Meijer, JJR Louwen, C Bueschl, F Huber, ...
Metabolomics 18 (12), 103, 2022
Growing actin networks form lamellipodium and lamellum by self-assembly
F Huber, J Käs, B Stuhrmann
Biophysical journal 95 (12), 5508-5523, 2008
Mcfly: Automated deep learning on time series
D Van Kuppevelt, C Meijer, F Huber, A Van Der Ploeg, S Georgievska, ...
SoftwareX 12, 100548, 2020
MS2Query: reliable and scalable MS2 mass spectra-based analogue search
NF de Jonge, JJR Louwen, E Chekmeneva, S Camuzeaux, FJ Vermeir, ...
Nature Communications 14 (1), 1752, 2023
Counterion-induced formation of regular actin bundle networks
F Huber, D Strehle, J Käs
Soft Matter 8 (4), 931-936, 2012
Comparison of cosine, modified cosine, and neutral loss based spectrum alignment for discovery of structurally related molecules
W Bittremieux, R Schmid, F Huber, JJJ van der Hooft, M Wang, ...
Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 33 (9), 1733-1744, 2022
In vitro reconstitution of dynamic microtubules interacting with actin filament networks
MP López, F Huber, I Grigoriev, MO Steinmetz, A Akhmanova, ...
Methods in enzymology 540, 301-320, 2014
Computing on actin bundles network
A Adamatzky, F Huber, J Schnauß
Scientific reports 9 (1), 15887, 2019
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مقالات 1–20