Gabriele Caccamo
Gabriele Caccamo
NSW Department of Planning, Industry & Environment
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Large‐scale, dynamic transformations in fuel moisture drive wildfire activity across southeastern Australia
RH Nolan, MM Boer, V Resco de Dios, G Caccamo, RA Bradstock
Geophysical Research Letters 43 (9), 4229-4238, 2016
Assessing the sensitivity of MODIS to monitor drought in high biomass ecosystems
G Caccamo, LA Chisholm, RA Bradstock, ML Puotinen
Remote Sensing of Environment 115 (10), 2626-2639, 2011
A multi-component GIS framework for desertification risk assessment by an integrated index
M Santini, G Caccamo, A Laurenti, S Noce, R Valentini
Applied Geography 30 (3), 394-415, 2010
Monitoring live fuel moisture content of heathland, shrubland and sclerophyll forest in south-eastern Australia using MODIS data
G Caccamo, LA Chisholm, RA Bradstock, ML Puotinen, BG Pippen
International Journal of Wildland Fire 21 (3), 257-269, 2011
Predicting dead fine fuel moisture at regional scales using vapour pressure deficit from MODIS and gridded weather data
RH Nolan, VR de Dios, MM Boer, G Caccamo, ML Goulden, RA Bradstock
Remote Sensing of Environment 174, 100-108, 2016
Additive biomass equations based on complete weighing of sample trees for open eucalypt forest species in south-eastern Australia
H Bi, S Murphy, L Volkova, C Weston, T Fairman, Y Li, R Law, J Norris, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 349, 106-121, 2015
Comparison of models describing forest inventory attributes using standard and voxel-based lidar predictors across a range of pulse densities
GD Pearse, MS Watt, JP Dash, C Stone, G Caccamo
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 78 …, 2019
Development and field validation of a regional, management‐scale habitat model: A koala Phascolarctos cinereus case study
B Law, G Caccamo, P Roe, A Truskinger, T Brassil, L Gonsalves, ...
Ecology and evolution 7 (18), 7475-7489, 2017
Using MODIS data to analyse post-fire vegetation recovery in Australian eucalypt forests
G Caccamo, R Bradstock, L Collins, T Penman, P Watson
Journal of Spatial Science 60 (2), 341-352, 2015
Using remotely‐sensed fuel connectivity patterns as a tool for fire danger monitoring
G Caccamo, LA Chisholm, RA Bradstock, ML Puotinen
Geophysical Research Letters 39 (1), 2012
Comparing yield estimates derived from LiDAR and aerial photogrammetric point-cloud data with cut-to-length harvester data in a Pinus radiata plantation in …
G Caccamo, IA Iqbal, J Osborn, H Bi, K Arkley, G Melville, D Aurik, ...
Australian Forestry 81 (3), 131-141, 2018
A predictive habitat model for Koalas Phascolarctos cinereus in north-east New South Wales: Assessment and field validation
B Law, G Caccamo, J Wimmer, A Truskinger, A McConville, T Brassil, ...
NSW Department of Industry, 2017
Examining the spatio-temporal dynamics of live fuel moisture patterns and their influence on fire activity in south-eastern Australia using remote sensing and hybrid graph …
G Caccamo
A comparative analysis of MODIS based spectral indices for drought monitoring over fire prone vegetation types
G Caccamo, LA Chisholm, R Bradstock, ML Puotinen
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2010, NH11A-1120, 2010
Integrated modelling and GIS: A new approach to assess desertification vulnerability and risk in Sardinia Island (Italy)
M Santini, G Caccamo, S Noce, R Valentini
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2007, GC13A-0948, 2007
Deployment and integration of cost-effective high resolution remotely sensed data for the Australian forest industry, Stone, C and Osborn, J (eds)
C Stone, J Osborn, G Caccamo, G Melville, M Bryson, I Iqbal, A Lucieer, ...
University of Tasmania, 2017
Additive biomass equations based on complete weighing of sample trees for open eucalypt forest species in south-eastern Australia.
BHQ Bi HuiQuan, S Murphy, L Volkova, C Weston, T Fairman, LY Li Yun, ...
Using MODIS data to identify fuel moisture conditions preceding major wildfires in Australian eucalypt forests
R Nolan, G Caccamo, M Boer, V Resco De Dios, R Bradstock
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 4630, 2014
Developing a probabilistic fire risk model and its application to fire danger systems
T Penman, R Bradstock, G Caccamo, O Price
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 6519, 2012
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مقالات 1–19