Alexander Eisfeld
Alexander Eisfeld
MPI for the Physics of Complex Systems
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
The J-and H-bands of organic dye aggregates
A Eisfeld, JS Briggs
Chemical Physics 324 (2-3), 376-384, 2006
Photonics meets excitonics: natural and artificial molecular aggregates
SK Saikin, A Eisfeld, S Valleau, A Aspuru-Guzik
Nanophotonics 2 (1), 21-38, 2013
Hierarchy of stochastic pure states for open quantum system dynamics
D Suess, A Eisfeld, WT Strunz
Physical review letters 113 (15), 150403, 2014
On the alternatives for bath correlators and spectral densities from mixed quantum-classical simulations
S Valleau, A Eisfeld, A Aspuru-Guzik
The Journal of Chemical Physics 137 (22), 2012
Quantum simulator of an open quantum system using superconducting qubits: exciton transport in photosynthetic complexes
S Mostame, P Rebentrost, A Eisfeld, AJ Kerman, DI Tsomokos, ...
New Journal of Physics 14 (10), 105013, 2012
Influence of Complex Exciton-Phonon Coupling on Optical Absorption<? format?> and Energy Transfer of Quantum Aggregates
J Roden, A Eisfeld, W Wolff, WT Strunz
Physical review letters 103 (5), 058301, 2009
Equivalence of quantum and classical coherence in electronic energy transfer
JS Briggs, A Eisfeld
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 83 (5 …, 2011
The J-band of organic dyes: lineshape and coherence length
A Eisfeld, JS Briggs
Chemical Physics 281 (1), 61-70, 2002
Absence of quantum oscillations and dependence on site energies in electronic excitation transfer in the Fenna–Matthews–Olson trimer
G Ritschel, J Roden, WT Strunz, A Aspuru-Guzik, A Eisfeld
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2 (22), 2912-2917, 2011
An efficient method to calculate excitation energy transfer in light-harvesting systems: application to the Fenna–Matthews–Olson complex
G Ritschel, J Roden, WT Strunz, A Eisfeld
New Journal of Physics 13 (11), 113034, 2011
Exchange narrowing of the J band of molecular dye aggregates
PB Walczak, A Eisfeld, JS Briggs
The Journal of chemical physics 128 (4), 2008
Analytic representations of bath correlation functions for ohmic and superohmic spectral densities using simple poles
G Ritschel, A Eisfeld
The Journal of chemical physics 141 (9), 2014
Vibronic energies and spectra of molecular dimers
A Eisfeld, L Braun, WT Strunz, JS Briggs, J Beck, V Engel
The Journal of chemical physics 122 (13), 2005
Quantum simulation of energy transport with embedded Rydberg aggregates
DW Schönleber, A Eisfeld, M Genkin, S Whitlock, S Wüster
Physical review letters 114 (12), 123005, 2015
Newton’s cradle and entanglement transport in a flexible Rydberg chain
S Wüster, C Ates, A Eisfeld, JM Rost
Physical review letters 105 (5), 053004, 2010
Light transport in -invariant photonic structures with hidden symmetries
MH Teimourpour, R El-Ganainy, A Eisfeld, A Szameit, DN Christodoulides
Physical Review A 90 (5), 053817, 2014
Excitation transport through Rydberg dressing
S Wüster, C Ates, A Eisfeld, JM Rost
New Journal of Physics 13 (7), 073044, 2011
Motion of Rydberg atoms induced by resonant dipole-dipole interactions
C Ates, A Eisfeld, JM Rost
arXiv preprint arXiv:0712.3712, 2007
Accounting for intra-molecular vibrational modes in open quantum system description of molecular systems
J Roden, WT Strunz, KB Whaley, A Eisfeld
The Journal of chemical physics 137 (20), 2012
Non-Markovian quantum state diffusion for absorption spectra of molecular aggregates
J Roden, WT Strunz, A Eisfeld
The Journal of chemical physics 134 (3), 2011
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مقالات 1–20