Quentin Sellier
Quentin Sellier
UCLouvain, LouRIM
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Consistent, continuous, and customizable mid-air gesture interaction for browsing multimedia objects on large displays
A Sluÿters, Q Sellier, J Vanderdonckt, V Parthiban, P Maes
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 39 (12), 2492-2523, 2023
Gestural-vocal coordinated interaction on large displays
V Parthiban, P Maes, Q Sellier, A Sluÿters, J Vanderdonckt
Companion of the 2022 ACM SIGCHI Symposium on Engineering Interactive …, 2022
User, Customer and Consumer Experience: Highlighting the Heterogeneity in the Literature
Q Sellier, I Poncin, J Vanderdonckt
16th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer …, 2021
Evaluating gesture user interfaces: Quantitative measures, qualitative scales, and method
Q Sellier, A Sluÿters, J Vanderdonckt, I Poncin
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 185, 103242, 2024
Exploring the impact of gestural interaction technologies on the experience: a marketing and HCI perspective
Q Sellier
UCL-Université Catholique de Louvain, 2023
Definition and application of a method for evaluating the gestural interaction experience
Q Sellier, A Sluÿters, J Vanderdonckt, I Poncin
Understanding the Role of Sensory-Enabling Technologies in the Reinforcement of Consumers’ Natural Experience: An Abstract
Q Sellier, M Racat, I Poncin
Academy of Marketing Science World Marketing Congress (AMSWMC), 2023
Using gestural interaction technologies to provide a richer and more immersive consumer experience: triangulation of self-reported scales and electroencephalographic data
Q Sellier, I Poncin, J Vanderdonckt
European Marketing Academy Annual Conference (EMAC), 2023
Evaluating the experience when interacting with immersive technologies: triangulation of EEG data and self-reported measures
Q Sellier, I Poncin, C Vande Kerckhove, J Vanderdonckt
Using Gestural Interaction Technology to Improve the Consumer Experience: An Abstract
Q Sellier, I Poncin, J Vanderdonckt
Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, 305-306, 2022
Creation and Validation of a Model to Understand the Impact of Gestural Interaction Technology on the Customer Experience
Q Sellier, I Poncin, J Vanderdonckt
Exploration of the Impact of 3D Gestural Interaction on the Customer Experience
Q Sellier, I Poncin, J Vanderdonckt
28th International Conference on Recent Advances in Retailing and Consumer …, 2022
The Role of Affective Consumer Responses in the Understanding of the Gestural Interaction Experience
Q Sellier, I Poncin, J Vanderdonckt
User, customer and consumer experience: A multidisciplinary systematic literature review
Q Sellier, I Poncin, J Vanderdonckt
Big Data: Est-il possible de se cacher du monde numérique? Par quels moyens et avec quels risques?
Q Sellier, F Fouss
UCLouvain, 2019
Evaluating a Gesture User Interface for Multimedia Browsing: Quantitative Measures, Qualitative Scales, and Method
Q Sellier, A Sluÿters, J Vanderdonckt, I Poncin
Qualitative Scales, and Method, 0
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مقالات 1–16