Leonid Glazman
Leonid Glazman
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Observation of High Coherence in Josephson Junction Qubits Measured<? format?> in a Three-Dimensional Circuit QED Architecture
H Paik, DI Schuster, LS Bishop, G Kirchmair, G Catelani, AP Sears, ...
Physical review letters 107 (24), 240501, 2011
Electrostatics of edge channels
DB Chklovskii, BI Shklovskii, LI Glazman
Physical Review B 46 (7), 4026, 1992
Electron spin decoherence in quantum dots due to interaction with nuclei
AV Khaetskii, D Loss, L Glazman
Physical review letters 88 (18), 186802, 2002
Resonant Kondo transparency of a barrier with quasilocal impurity states
C an action Go
JETP letters 47 (8), 452-455, 1988
Fluxonium: Single cooper-pair circuit free of charge offsets
VE Manucharyan, J Koch, LI Glazman, MH Devoret
Science 326 (5949), 113-116, 2009
Revival of the Kondo effect
L Kouwenhoven, L Glazman
Physics world 14 (1), 33, 2001
Thermal fluctuations and phase transitions in the vortex state of a layered superconductor
LI Glazman, AE Koshelev
Physical Review B 43 (4), 2835, 1991
Quantum effects in Coulomb blockade
IL Aleiner, PW Brouwer, LI Glazman
Physics Reports 358 (5-6), 309-440, 2002
Reflectionless quantum transport and fundamental ballistic-resistance steps in microscopic constrictions
LI Glazman, GB Lesovik, DE Khmel'Nitskiǐ, RI Shekhter
ZhETF Pisma Redaktsiiu 48, 218, 1988
One-dimensional quantum liquids: Beyond the Luttinger liquid paradigm
A Imambekov, TL Schmidt, LI Glazman
Reviews of Modern Physics 84 (3), 1253-1306, 2012
Topological superconducting phase in helical Shiba chains
F Pientka, LI Glazman, F Von Oppen
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (15), 155420, 2013
Inelastic tunneling across thin amorphous films
LI Glazman, KA Matveev
Soviet Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics 67 (6), 1276, 1988
Persistent currents in normal metal rings
AC Bleszynski-Jayich, WE Shanks, B Peaudecerf, E Ginossar, ...
Science 326 (5950), 272-275, 2009
Coherent suppression of electromagnetic dissipation due to superconducting quasiparticles
IM Pop, K Geerlings, G Catelani, RJ Schoelkopf, LI Glazman, MH Devoret
Nature 508 (7496), 369-372, 2014
Kondo effect in quantum dots
M Pustilnik, L Glazman
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 16 (16), R513, 2004
Quantum fluctuations and the single-junction Coulomb blockade
SM Girvin, LI Glazman, M Jonson, DR Penn, MD Stiles
Physical review letters 64 (26), 3183, 1990
Model for the low-temperature transport of Bi-based high-temperature superconducting tapes
LN Bulaevskii, JR Clem, LI Glazman, AP Malozemoff
Physical Review B 45 (5), 2545, 1992
Electron spin evolution induced by interaction with nuclei in a quantum dot
A Khaetskii, D Loss, L Glazman
Physical Review B 67 (19), 195329, 2003
Topological properties of linear circuit lattices
VV Albert, LI Glazman, L Jiang
Physical review letters 114 (17), 173902, 2015
Resonant Josephson current through Kondo impurities in a tunnel barrier
LI Glazman, KA Matveev
JETP Lett 49 (10), 659-662, 1989
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مقالات 1–20