Mariano Sirignano
Mariano Sirignano
Associate Professor University of Naples
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Modeling formation and oxidation of soot in nonpremixed flames
M Sirignano, J Kent, A D’Anna
Energy & Fuels 27 (4), 2303-2315, 2013
A model of particle nucleation in premixed ethylene flames
A D’Anna, M Sirignano, J Kent
Combustion and flame 157 (11), 2106-2115, 2010
Particulate formation in premixed and counter-flow diffusion ethylene/ethanol flames
M Salamanca, M Sirignano, A D’Anna
Energy & fuels 26 (10), 6144-6152, 2012
Detection of aromatic hydrocarbons and incipient particles in an opposed-flow flame of ethylene by spectral and time-resolved laser induced emission spectroscopy
M Sirignano, A Collina, M Commodo, P Minutolo, A D’Anna
Combustion and flame 159 (4), 1663-1669, 2012
Detailed modeling of size distribution functions and hydrogen content in combustion-formed particles
M Sirignano, J Kent, A D’Anna
Combustion and Flame 157 (6), 1211-1219, 2010
The effect of ethanol on the particle size distributions in ethylene premixed flames
M Salamanca, M Sirignano, M Commodo, P Minutolo, A D’Anna
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 43, 71-75, 2012
Detection of nanostructures and soot in laminar premixed flames
M Sirignano, D Bartos, M Conturso, M Dunn, A D'Anna, AR Masri
Combustion and Flame 176, 299-308, 2017
Particle formation in opposed-flow diffusion flames of ethylene: An experimental and numerical study
A D’Anna, M Commodo, M Sirignano, P Minutolo, R Pagliara
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 32 (1), 793-801, 2009
The role of dimethyl ether as substituent to ethylene on particulate formation in premixed and counter-flow diffusion flames
M Sirignano, M Salamanca, A D’Anna
Fuel 126, 256-262, 2014
Coagulation of combustion generated nanoparticles in low and intermediate temperature regimes: An experimental study
M Sirignano, A D’Anna
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (1), 1877-1884, 2013
Further experimental and modelling evidences of soot fragmentation in flames
M Sirignano, J Kent, A D’Anna
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 35 (2), 1779-1786, 2015
Effect of furans on particle formation in diffusion flames: An experimental and modeling study
M Sirignano, M Conturso, A D’Anna
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 35 (1), 525-532, 2015
Experimental and numerical study on the effect of oxymethylene ether-3 (OME3) on soot particle formation
F Ferraro, C Russo, R Schmitz, C Hasse, M Sirignano
Fuel 286, 119353, 2021
Experimental characterization of ultrafine particle emissions from a light-duty diesel engine equipped with a standard DPF
B Rossomando, E Meloni, G De Falco, M Sirignano, I Arsie, V Palma
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (4), 5695-5702, 2021
Temperature and oxygen effects on oxidation-induced fragmentation of soot particles
M Sirignano, H Ghiassi, A D'Anna, JAS Lighty
Combustion and Flame 171, 15-26, 2016
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease-derived circulating cells release IL-18 and IL-33 under ultrafine particulate matter exposure in a caspase-1/8-independent manner
G De Falco, C Colarusso, M Terlizzi, A Popolo, M Pecoraro, M Commodo, ...
Frontiers in immunology 8, 1415, 2017
The effect of butanol isomers on the formation of carbon particulate matter in fuel-rich premixed ethylene flames
C Russo, A D'Anna, A Ciajolo, M Sirignano
Combustion and Flame 199, 122-130, 2019
Human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from smokers release higher levels of IL-1-like cytokines after exposure to combustion-generated ultrafine particles
G De Falco, M Terlizzi, M Sirignano, M Commodo, A D’Anna, RP Aquino, ...
Scientific reports 7 (1), 43016, 2017
Analysis of the chemical features of particles generated from ethylene and ethylene/2, 5 dimethyl furan flames
C Russo, A D'Anna, A Ciajolo, M Sirignano
Combustion and Flame 167, 268-273, 2016
Experimental and modeling study on the molecular weight distribution and properties of carbon particles in premixed sooting flames
M Sirignano, M Alfè, A Tregrossi, A Ciajolo, A D'Anna
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 33 (1), 633-640, 2011
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20