Klaas Frankena
Klaas Frankena
انتساب غير معروف
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على wur.nl
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Prevalence of claw disorders in Dutch dairy cows exposed to several floor systems
J Somers, K Frankena, EN Noordhuizen-Stassen, JHM Metz
Journal of dairy science 86 (6), 2082-2093, 2003
WIN EPISCOPE 2.0: improved epidemiological software for veterinary medicine
M Thrusfield, C Ortega, I de Blas, JP Noordhuizen, K Frankena
Veterinary Record 148 (18), 567-572, 2001
Application of quantitative methods in veterinary epidemiology.
JPTM Noordhuizen, K Frankena, MV Thrusfield, EAM Graat
Effects of a restricted elimination diet on the behaviour of children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (INCA study): a randomised controlled trial
LM Pelsser, K Frankena, J Toorman, HF Savelkoul, AE Dubois, ...
The Lancet 377 (9764), 494-503, 2011
Herd-and cow-level prevalence of digital dermatitis in the Netherlands and associated risk factors
M Holzhauer, C Hardenberg, CJM Bartels, K Frankena
Journal of dairy science 89 (2), 580-588, 2006
Risk factors for digital dermatitis in dairy cows kept in cubicle houses in The Netherlands
J Somers, K Frankena, EN Noordhuizen-Stassen, JHM Metz
Preventive veterinary medicine 71 (1-2), 11-21, 2005
The course of hepatitis E virus infection in pigs after contact-infection and intravenous inoculation
M Bouwknegt, SA Rutjes, CBEM Reusken, N Stockhofe-Zurwieden, ...
BMC Veterinary Research 5, 1-12, 2009
Diet and ADHD, reviewing the evidence: a systematic review of meta-analyses of double-blind placebo-controlled trials evaluating the efficacy of diet interventions on the …
LM Pelsser, K Frankena, J Toorman, R Rodrigues Pereira
PloS one 12 (1), e0169277, 2017
A randomised controlled trial into the effects of food on ADHD
LMJ Pelsser, K Frankena, J Toorman, HFJ Savelkoul, RR Pereira, ...
European child & adolescent psychiatry 18, 12-19, 2009
Bayesian estimation of hepatitis E virus seroprevalence for populations with different exposure levels to swine in The Netherlands
M Bouwknegt, B Engel, M Herremans, MA Widdowson, HC Worm, ...
Epidemiology & Infection 136 (4), 567-576, 2008
Development of claw traits and claw lesions in dairy cows kept on different floor systems
J Somers, WGP Schouten, K Frankena, EN Noordhuizen-Stassen, ...
Journal of dairy science 88 (1), 110-120, 2005
Effect of a killed whole Neospora caninum tachyzoite vaccine on the crude abortion rate of Costa Rican dairy cows under field conditions
JJ Romero, E Perez, K Frankena
Veterinary parasitology 123 (3-4), 149-159, 2004
Estimation of hepatitis E virus transmission among pigs due to contact-exposure
M Bouwknegt, K Frankena, S Rutjes, G Wellenberg, AM de Roda Husman, ...
Veterinary research 39 (5), 1, 2008
A quantitative microbial risk assessment for meatborne Toxoplasma gondii infection in The Netherlands
M Opsteegh, S Prickaerts, K Frankena, EG Evers
International journal of food microbiology 150 (2-3), 103-114, 2011
Prevalence and risk factors for bruises in Chilean bovine carcasses
AC Strappini, K Frankena, JHM Metz, B Gallo, B Kemp
Meat Science 86 (3), 859-864, 2010
Economic impact of lumpy skin disease and cost effectiveness of vaccination for the control of outbreaks in Ethiopia
W Molla, MCM de Jong, G Gari, K Frankena
Preventive veterinary medicine 147, 100-107, 2017
Characteristics of bruises in carcasses of cows sourced from farms or from livestock markets
AC Strappini, K Frankena, JHM Metz, C Gallo, B Kemp
Animal 6 (3), 502-509, 2012
Risk factors for Salmonella dublin infection on dairy farms
MA Vaessen, J Veling, K Frankena, EAM Graat, T Klunder
Veterinary Quarterly 20 (3), 97-99, 1998
Pathogen group specific risk factors at herd, heifer and quarter levels for intramammary infections in early lactating dairy heifers
S Piepers, K Peeters, G Opsomer, HW Barkema, K Frankena, ...
Preventive veterinary medicine 99 (2-4), 91-101, 2011
The effect of digital lesions and floor type on locomotion score in Dutch dairy cows
K Frankena, J Somers, WGP Schouten, JV Van Stek, JHM Metz, ...
Preventive veterinary medicine 88 (2), 150-157, 2009
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مقالات 1–20