James W Taylor
James W Taylor
Professor of Decision Science, Said Business School, University of Oxford
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Short-term electricity demand forecasting using double seasonal exponential smoothing
JW Taylor
Journal of the Operational Research Society 54 (8), 799-805, 2003
Short-term load forecasting methods: An evaluation based on european data
JW Taylor, PE McSharry
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 22 (4), 2213-2219, 2007
A comparison of univariate methods for forecasting electricity demand up to a day ahead
JW Taylor, LM De Menezes, PE McSharry
International journal of forecasting 22 (1), 1-16, 2006
Neural network load forecasting with weather ensemble predictions
JW Taylor, R Buizza
IEEE Transactions on Power systems 17 (3), 626-632, 2002
Triple seasonal methods for short-term electricity demand forecasting
JW Taylor
European Journal of Operational Research 204 (1), 139-152, 2010
Exponential smoothing with a damped multiplicative trend
JW Taylor
International journal of Forecasting 19 (4), 715-725, 2003
A quantile regression neural network approach to estimating the conditional density of multiperiod returns
JW Taylor
Journal of forecasting 19 (4), 299-311, 2000
Wind power density forecasting using ensemble predictions and time series models
JW Taylor, PE McSharry, R Buizza
IEEE Transactions on Energy conversion 24 (3), 775-782, 2009
Using weather ensemble predictions in electricity demand forecasting
JW Taylor, R Buizza
International Journal of forecasting 19 (1), 57-70, 2003
Short-term load forecasting with exponentially weighted methods
JW Taylor
IEEE transactions on Power Systems 27 (1), 458-464, 2011
Review of guidelines for the use of combined forecasts
LM De Menezes, DW Bunn, JW Taylor
European Journal of Operational Research 120 (1), 190-204, 2000
Estimating value at risk and expected shortfall using expectiles
JW Taylor
Journal of Financial Econometrics 6 (2), 231-252, 2008
An evaluation of methods for very short-term load forecasting using minute-by-minute British data
JW Taylor
International journal of forecasting 24 (4), 645-658, 2008
Using conditional kernel density estimation for wind power density forecasting
J Jeon, JW Taylor
Journal of the American Statistical Association 107 (497), 66-79, 2012
Volatility forecasting with smooth transition exponential smoothing
JW Taylor
International Journal of Forecasting 20 (2), 273-286, 2004
Forecasting value at risk and expected shortfall using a semiparametric approach based on the asymmetric Laplace distribution
JW Taylor
Journal of Business & Economic Statistics 37 (1), 121-133, 2019
A comparison of univariate time series methods for forecasting intraday arrivals at a call center
JW Taylor
Management Science 54 (2), 253-265, 2008
Forecasting electricity smart meter data using conditional kernel density estimation
S Arora, JW Taylor
Omega 59, 47-59, 2016
Using exponentially weighted quantile regression to estimate value at risk and expected shortfall
JW Taylor
Journal of financial Econometrics 6 (3), 382-406, 2008
A quantile regression approach to estimating the distribution of multiperiod returns
JW Taylor
Journal of Derivatives 7 (1), 64, 1999
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مقالات 1–20