Anna Hedlund Åström
Anna Hedlund Åström
انتساب غير معروف
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على md.kth.se
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Model for end of life treatment of polymer composite materials
A Hedlund-Åström
KTH, 2005
Education for sustainability as a transformative learning process: a pedagogical experiment in EcoDesign doctoral education
O Bergeå, R Karlsson, A Hedlund-Åström, P Jacobsson, C Luttropp
Journal of cleaner production 14 (15-16), 1431-1442, 2006
Laser cladding treatment for refurbishing disc brake rotors: environmental and tribological analysis
U Olofsson, Y Lyu, AH Åström, J Wahlström, S Dizdar, APG Nogueira, ...
Tribology letters 69, 1-11, 2021
Comparative life cycle assessment of car disc brake systems—case study results and method discussion about comparative LCAs
KT Gradin, AH Åström
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 25, 350-362, 2020
Recycling of worn out brake pads‒impact on tribology and environment
Y Lyu, J Ma, AH Åström, J Wahlström, U Olofsson
Scientific reports 10 (1), 8369, 2020
A comparison of airborne particles generated from disk brake contacts: induction versus frictional heating
J Ma, U Olofsson, Y Lyu, J Wahlström, AH Åström, M Tu
Tribology Letters 68, 1-13, 2020
Cost and energy assessment of a high speed ship
M Burman, B Lingg, S Villinger, H Enlund, A Hedlund Åström, SE Hellbratt
Second Conference on High Performance Yacht Design. Auckland, New Zeeland …, 2006
Evaluation of an Eco Audit tool-through an LCA of a novel car disc brake
KT Gradin, AH Åström
DS 91: Proceedings of NordDesign 2018, Linköping, Sweden, 14th-17th August 2018, 2018
A comparative LCA study on a boat structure
A Hedlund-Åström, KA Olsson
The Fourth International Conference on Sandwich Construction, 1998
A high-speed craft with composite hull
K Olofsson, G Arnestad, A Lönnö, A Hedlund-Åström, T Jansson, ...
Proc. of the 13th European Conference of Composite Materials, 2008
Environmental friendly recycling of FRP-sandwich ship hulls
A Hedlund-Åström, C Luttropp, P Reinholdsson
RINA, Royal Institution of Naval Architects International Conference …, 2005
„Hotel Module in Glassfiber Sandwich
A Hedlund-Åström
Environmental Study “, KTH Machine Design, Stockholm, Sweden, 13, 2008
Access of hazardous and metallic integrated objects at dismantling of sandwich ship structures through effective information handling
A Hedlund-Åström, C Luttropp
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Dismantling of Obsolete …, 2006
Outline of guidelines for recycling and recovery of FRP composites
A Hedlund Åström, C Luttropp, P Reinoldsson
TMCE 2004 Lausanne, 2004
The Composite Superstructure Concept: An Environment-Friendly & Cost Efficient Approach
T Hertzberg, A Hedlund Åström
RINA, Royal Institution of Naval Architects-Ship Design and Operation for …, 2010
Metal inserts and hazardous content in light weight composite structures in the context of recycling
A Hedlund-Åström, C Luttropp
13th international conference on life cycle engineering (eds Duflou J …, 2006
Conditions for recycling and recovery of composite materials
A Hedlund Åström, C Luttropp
CIRP LCE 11 Belgrade, 2004
Recycling and LCA Studies of FRP-Sandwich structures
A Hedlund-Åström, KA Olsson
The Second North European Engineering and Science Conference–Composites and …, 1997
Eco Design of Brake Pads with Recycled Friction Materials
J Ma, AH Åström, U Olofsson, Y Lyu, M Leonardi, J Wahlström
Eurobrake 2019, 2019
Evaluation of an Eco Audit tool-through an LCA of a novel car disc brake
K Tasala Gradin, A Hedlund-Åström
13th Biennial Norddesign Conference, NordDesign 2018, 14 August 2018 through …, 2018
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مقالات 1–20