Lori E. Wright
Lori E. Wright
Texas A&M University, Department of Anthropology
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Stable carbon and oxygen isotopes in human tooth enamel: identifying breastfeeding and weaning in prehistory
LE Wright, HP Schwarcz
American Journal of Physical Anthropology: The Official Publication of the …, 1998
Infrared and isotopic evidence for diagenesis of bone apatite at Dos Pilas, Guatemala: palaeodietary implications
LE Wright, HP Schwarcz
Journal of Archaeological Science 23 (6), 933-944, 1996
Recent progress in bioarchaeology: approaches to the osteological paradox
LE Wright, CJ Yoder
Journal of Archaeological Research 11, 43-70, 2003
Identifying immigrants to Tikal, Guatemala: defining local variability in strontium isotope ratios of human tooth enamel
LE Wright
Journal of Archaeological Science 32 (4), 555-566, 2005
Correspondence between stable carbon, oxygen and nitrogen isotopes in human tooth enamel and dentine: infant diets at Kaminaljuyú
LE Wright, HP Schwarcz
Journal of Archaeological Science 26 (9), 1159-1170, 1999
Nonlinearity in the relationship between bone Sr/Ca and diet: paleodietary implications
JH Burton, LE Wright
American journal of physical anthropology 96 (3), 273-282, 1995
Kings and commoners at Copan: Isotopic evidence for origins and movement in the Classic Maya period
TD Price, JH Burton, RJ Sharer, JE Buikstra, LE Wright, LP Traxler, ...
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 29 (1), 15-32, 2010
Strontium isotopes and the study of human mobility in ancient Mesoamerica
TD Price, JH Burton, PD Fullagar, LE Wright, JE Buikstra, V Tiesler
Latin American Antiquity 19 (2), 167-180, 2008
Human biology in the Classic Maya collapse: Evidence from paleopathology and paleodiet
LE Wright, CD White
Journal of World Prehistory 10, 147-198, 1996
Tombs from the Copan acropolis: a life history approach
JE Buikstra, TD Price, LE Wright, JA Burton
Understanding early classic Copan, 191-212, 2004
Estimating the length of incomplete long bones: forensic standards from Guatemala
LE Wright, MA Vásquez
American Journal of Physical Anthropology: The Official Publication of the …, 2003
The use of barium and strontium abundances in human skeletal tissues to determine their geographic origins
JH Burton, TD Price, L Cahue, LE Wright
International Journal of Osteoarchaeology 13 (1‐2), 88-95, 2003
Intertooth patterns of hypoplasia expression: implications for childhood health in the Classic Maya collapse
LE Wright
American Journal of Physical Anthropology: The Official Publication of the …, 1997
Porotic hyperostosis and paleoepidemiology: A forensic perspective on anemia among the ancient Maya
LE Wright, F Chew
American Anthropologist 100 (4), 924-939, 1998
Immigration to Tikal, Guatemala: Evidence from stable strontium and oxygen isotopes
LE Wright
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 31 (3), 334-352, 2012
Isotopic studies of human skeletal remains from a sixteenth to seventeenth century AD churchyard in Campeche, Mexico: diet, place of origin, and age
TD Price, JH Burton, A Cucina, P Zabala, R Frei, RH Tykot, V Tiesler
Current Anthropology 53 (4), 396-433, 2012
Diet, health, and status among the Pasión Maya: A reappraisal of the collapse
LE Wright
Vanderbilt University Press, 2006
Isotopic analysis of ancient deer bone: Biotic stability in collapse period Maya land-use
KF Emery, LE Wright, H Schwarcz
Journal of Archaeological Science 27 (6), 537-550, 2000
The children of Kaminaljuyu: Isotopic insight into diet and long distance interaction in Mesoamerica
LE Wright, JA Valdés, JH Burton, TD Price, HP Schwarcz
Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 29 (2), 155-178, 2010
Bones of the Maya: studies of ancient skeletons
SL Whittington, DM Reed
(No Title), 1997
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مقالات 1–20