Dr. Sushama Agrawal
Dr. Sushama Agrawal
Associate Professor, E&TC Department, Government College of Engineering, Aurangabad
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
IoT Based Urban Climate Monitoring using Raspberry Pi
R Shete, S Agrawal
International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing, 1667-1671, 2016
Real Time Tracking & Health Monitoring System of Remote Soldier using ARM7
PS Kurhe, SS Agrawal
International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 4 (3), 311-315, 2013
Image processing approach for malaria parasite identification
KM Khatri, VR Ratnaparkhe, SS Agrawal, AS Bhalchandra
International Journal of Computer Applications®(IJCA), 2013
Robust embedding of image watermark using LWT and SVD
RG Kabra, SS Agrawal
2016 International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing (ICCSP …, 2016
Smart Bank Locker Security System using Biometric Fingerprint and GSM Technology
SA Subhash Jadhav
International Journal of Science & Research 5 (10), 1920-1925, 2016
Implementation of Colour Image steganography using LSB and Edge Detection Technique: A Labview Approach
SH Shruti Dande, Sushma Agrawal
International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing, 1198-1202, 2016
Driver Drowsiness Detection System based on LBP and Haar Algorithm
SA Yuvraj Suryawanshi
Fourth International Conference on I-SMAC (IoT in Social, Mobile, Analytics …, 2020
Wavelet based digital image watermarking algorithm using fractal images
A Kamble, SS Agrawal
2019 3rd International Conference on Electronics, Communication and …, 2019
Edge based data embedding steganography algorithm using ZedBoard
AR Kapgate, SS Agrawal
2017 2nd IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics …, 2017
VLSI Implementation of Digital Image Watermarking
R Kunal B., DAS Bhalchandra, SS Agrawal
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology 2 (6), 2024-2029, 2013
Implementation of Discrete Cosine Transform using VLSI
KM Khatri, SS Agrawal
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology 3 (4), 963-966, 2014
Robust Imperceptible Gray Image Watermarking with LWT, SVD and QR Decomposition
Agrawal Sushama, Bhalchandra Anjali
International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering 14 (3), 89-96, 2022
Low Power 16-T CMOS Full Adder Design
PV Borude, SS Agrawal
2018 Second International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Control …, 2018
Firefly optimized robust, imperceptible, secure watermarking scheme
A Sushama, B Anjali
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 28 (2 …, 2022
Advance Wireless ECG Monitoring system based on GSM 3G
SWP P.R. Manjare, V.H. Deshmukh, Sushama Agrawal
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering 4 (6 …, 2014
Advance Smart Irrigation System Using IoT
SA Kajal Muley
International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management …, 2021
Enhanced Attendance System Using Intensity Normalization, Face Alignment and LBPH
SA Nupur Somwanshi
International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research 8 (9), 2306-2311, 2019
Cost Effective Stand-alone Parking Assistance System
SA Swapnil Pimple, Gayatri Uttarwar, Nikita Patil, Nishigandha Bhagunde
3rd International Conference on Trends in Electronics & Informatics, 2019
Statistical Methods to detect Counterfeit Indian Currency
SA Komal Ramne
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research 9 (6), 588-592, 2018
FPGA Implementation of CT/MRI Image Fusion using Lifting-based Discrete Wavelet Transform
P Darkunde, SS Agrawal
International Journal of Engineering and Management Research 5 (3), 613-617, 2015
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مقالات 1–20