Haofeng Chen, ASME Fellow, FIMechE
Haofeng Chen, ASME Fellow, FIMechE
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Shakedown and limit analyses for 3-D structures using the linear matching method
HF Chen, ARS Ponter
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 78 (6), 443-451, 2001
A method for the evaluation of a ratchet limit and the amplitude of plastic strain for bodies subjected to cyclic loading
H Chen, ARS Ponter
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 20 (4), 555-571, 2001
A minimum theorem for cyclic load in excess of shakedown, with application to the evaluation of a ratchet limit
ARS Ponter, H Chen
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 20 (4), 539-553, 2001
Lower and upper bound shakedown analysis of structures with temperature-dependent yield stress
H Chen
A direct method on the evaluation of ratchet limit
H Chen, ARS Ponter
Linear Matching Method on the evaluation of plastic and creep behaviours for bodies subjected to cyclic thermal and mechanical loading
H Chen, ARS Ponter
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 68 (1), 13-32, 2006
Multi-axial creep-fatigue life prediction considering history-dependent damage evolution: A new numerical procedure and experimental validation
RZ Wang, SJ Guo, H Chen, JF Wen, XC Zhang, ST Tu
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 131, 313-336, 2019
The linear matching method applied to the high temperature life integrity of structures. Part 1. Assessments involving constant residual stress fields
HF Chen, ARS Ponter, RA Ainsworth
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 83 (2), 123-135, 2006
The diffusion induced stress and cracking behaviour of primary particle for Li-ion battery electrode
X Zhu, Y Chen, H Chen, W Luan
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 178, 105608, 2020
Shakedown analyses for rolling and sliding contact problems
ARS Ponter, HF Chen, M Ciavarella, G Specchia
International journal of solids and structures 43 (14-15), 4201-4219, 2006
Evaluation of the effect of various prior creep-fatigue interaction damages on subsequent tensile and creep properties of 9% Cr steel
W Zhang, X Wang, H Chen, T Zhang, J Gong
International Journal of Fatigue 125, 440-453, 2019
Shakedown analysis of engineering structures under multiple variable mechanical and thermal loads using the stress compensation method
H Peng, Y Liu, H Chen, J Shen
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 140, 361-375, 2018
Creep-fatigue life assessment of cruciform weldments using the linear matching method
Y Gorash, H Chen
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 104, 1-13, 2013
Shakedown and limit analysis of 90 pipe bends under internal pressure, cyclic in-plane bending and cyclic thermal loading
H Chen, J Ure, T Li, W Chen, D Mackenzie
International journal of pressure vessels and piping 88 (5-7), 213-222, 2011
Shakedown, ratchet, and limit analyses of 90 back-to-back pipe bends under cyclic in-plane opening bending and steady internal pressure
NK Cho, H Chen
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 67, 231-242, 2018
On creep fatigue interaction of components at elevated temperature
D Barbera, H Chen, Y Liu
Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology 138 (4), 041403, 2016
The linear matching method applied to the high temperature life integrity of structures. Part 2. Assessments beyond shakedown involving changing residual stress fields
HF Chen, ARS Ponter, RA Ainsworth
International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping 83 (2), 136-147, 2006
On the creep fatigue and creep rupture behaviours of 9–12% Cr steam turbine rotor
X Zhu, H Chen, F Xuan, X Chen
European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids 76, 263-278, 2019
On the solution of limit load and reference stress of 3-D structures under multi-loading systems
HF Chen, YH Liu, ZZ Cen, BY Xu
Engineering structures 21 (6), 530-537, 1999
Linear matching method for creep rupture assessment
HF Chen, MJ Engelhardt, ARS Ponter
International journal of pressure vessels and piping 80 (4), 213-220, 2003
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مقالات 1–20