Peter Wulff
Peter Wulff
Juniorprofessor für Physik und ihre Didaktik
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Educational data augmentation in physics education research using ChatGPT
F Kieser, P Wulff, J Kuhn, S Küchemann
Physical Review Physics Education Research 19 (2), 020150, 2023
Engaging young women in physics: An intervention to support young women’s physics identity development
P Wulff, Z Hazari, S Petersen, K Neumann
Physical Review Physics Education Research 14 (2), 020113, 2018
Bridging the gap between qualitative and quantitative assessment in science education research with machine learning—A case for pretrained language models-based clustering
P Wulff, D Buschhüter, A Westphal, L Mientus, A Nowak, A Borowski
Journal of Science Education and Technology 31 (4), 490-513, 2022
Computer-based classification of preservice physics teachers’ written reflections
P Wulff, D Buschhüter, A Westphal, A Nowak, L Becker, H Robalino, ...
Journal of Science Education and Technology 30, 1-15, 2021
Utilizing a pretrained language model (BERT) to classify preservice physics teachers’ written reflections
P Wulff, L Mientus, A Nowak, A Borowski
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 33 (3), 439-466, 2023
The German Physics Olympiad—identifying and inspiring talents
S Petersen, P Wulff
European Journal of Physics 38 (3), 034005, 2017
Enhancing writing analytics in science education research with machine learning and natural language processing—Formative assessment of science and non-science preservice …
P Wulff, A Westphal, L Mientus, A Nowak, A Borowski
Frontiers in Education 7, 1061461, 2023
Integrating artificial intelligence-based methods into qualitative research in physics education research: A case for computational grounded theory
P Tschisgale, P Wulff, M Kubsch
Physical Review Physics Education Research 19 (2), 020123, 2023
Modelling STEM teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge in the framework of the refined consensus model: A systematic literature review
L Mientus, A Hume, P Wulff, A Meiners, A Borowski
Education Sciences 12 (6), 385, 2022
Exploring new depths: Applying machine learning for the analysis of student argumentation in chemistry
PP Martin, D Kranz, P Wulff, N Graulich
Journal of Research in Science Teaching 61 (8), 1757-1792, 2024
Physics language and language use in physics—What do we know and how AI might enhance language-related research and instruction
P Wulff
European Journal of Physics 45 (2), 023001, 2024
Fast-and-frugal means to assess reflection-related reasoning processes in teacher training—Development and evaluation of a scalable machine learning-based metric
L Mientus, P Wulff, A Nowak, A Borowski
Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft 26 (3), 677-702, 2023
Network analysis of terms in the natural sciences insights from Wikipedia through natural language processing and network analysis
P Wulff
Education and Information Technologies 28 (11), 14325-14346, 2023
Are science competitions meeting their intentions? A case study on affective and cognitive predictors of success in the Physics Olympiad
PL Tschisgale, A Steegh, S Petersen, M Kubsch, P Wulff, K Neumann
Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Science Education Research 6 (1), 10, 2024
ReFeed: computerunterstütztes Feedback zu Reflexionstexten: Ein Lehrkonzept zur Förderung der Reflexionskompetenz angehender Physiklehrkräfte an der Universität Potsdam
L Mientus, P Wulff, A Nowak, A Borowski
Lehrkräftebildung neu gedacht. Ein Pra xishandbuch für die Lehre in den …, 2021
Supporting young women's physics engagement-Evidence from an intervention in the context of the Physics Olympiad
P Wulff
Christian-Albrechts Universität Kiel, 2019
Zusammenhänge zwischen Reflexionskompetenz und Facetten professioneller Handlungskompetenz angehender Physiklehrkräfte
L Mientus, P Wulff, A Nowak, A Borowski
Naturwissenschaftlicher Unterricht und Lehrerbildung im Umbruch, 226-229, 2021
Potentiale automatischer Sprachverarbeitung für die Fachdidaktik
P Wulff, D Buschhüter, A Westphal, A Borowski
Naturwissenschaftliche Kompetenzen in der Gesellschaft von morgen, 49, 2020
Using large language models to probe cognitive constructs, augment data, and design instructional materials
F Kieser, P Wulff
Machine Learning in Educational Sciences: Approaches, Applications and …, 2024
Pädagogische Argumentation in Fremd-und Selbstreflexionstexten-Gegenüberstellung zweier Analyseverfahren zur Qualitätseinschätzung. In van Vorst, H
L Mientus, A Borowski, A Nowak, P Wulff
Lernen, Lehren und Forschen in einer digital geprägten Welt, 302-305, 2023
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20