Vanessa Joy Anacta
Vanessa Joy Anacta
Phd Student, Institute for Geoinformatics, University of Muenster
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Wayfinding through orientation
A Schwering, J Krukar, R Li, VJ Anacta, S Fuest
Spatial Cognition & Computation 17 (4), 273-303, 2017
Orientation information in wayfinding instructions: evidences from human verbal and visual instructions
VJA Anacta, A Schwering, R Li, S Muenzer
GeoJournal 82, 567-583, 2017
Transitional spaces: Between indoor and outdoor spaces
C Kray, H Fritze, T Fechner, A Schwering, R Li, VJ Anacta
Spatial Information Theory: 11th International Conference, COSIT 2013 …, 2013
The effect of orientation instructions on the recall and reuse of route and survey elements in wayfinding descriptions
J Krukar, VJ Anacta, A Schwering
Journal of environmental psychology 68, 101407, 2020
Orientation information in different forms of route instructions
A Schwering, R Li, VJA Anacta
Short paper proceedings of the 16th AGILE conference on geographic …, 2013
Distinguishing sketch map types: A flexible feature-based classification
J Krukar, S Münzer, L Lörch, VJ Anacta, S Fuest, A Schwering
Spatial Cognition XI: 11th International Conference, Spatial Cognition 2018 …, 2018
Men to the east and women to the right: Wayfinding with verbal route instructions
VJA Anacta, A Schwering
Spatial Cognition VII: International Conference, Spatial Cognition 2010, Mt …, 2010
Investigating representations of places with unclear spatial extent in sketch maps
VJA Anacta, MI Humayun, A Schwering, J Krukar
Societal Geo-innovation: Selected papers of the 20th AGILE conference on …, 2017
The use of local and global landmarks across scales and modes of transportation in verbal route instructions
A Schwering, R Li, VJA Anacta
Poster session presented at the 2014 Spatial Cognition Conference, Bremen …, 2014
Routes to remember: Comparing verbal instructions and sketch maps
VJA Anacta, J Wang, A Schwering
Connecting a digital Europe through location and place, 311-322, 2014
Spatial distribution of local landmarks in route-based sketch maps
VJA Anacta, R Li, H Löwen, M De Lima Galvao, A Schwering
Spatial Cognition XI: 11th International Conference, Spatial Cognition 2018 …, 2018
Landmark-based navigation in cognitive systems
J Krukar, A Schwering, VJ Anacta
KI-Künstliche Intelligenz 31 (2), 121-124, 2017
Determining hierarchy of landmarks in spatial descriptions
VJ Anacta, A Schwering, R Li
Eighth international conference on geographic information science, 2014
Learning Unfamiliar Routes with Relative and Absolute Instructions: Analyzing Human Wayfinding Performance and Sketch Maps
VJA Anacta
Journal of Geography 119 (6), 226-237, 2020
Visualizing vagueness in sketch maps
V Anacta, MI Humayun, A Schwering
Workshop paper at Visually-supported Reasoning with Uncertainty at COSIT …, 2013
Spatial Learning Using Google Streetview in an Online Wayfinding Task.
VJA Anacta
Research in Learning Technology 32, 3067, 2024
Rethinking wayfinding support systems—introduction
J Krukar, A Schwering, H Löwen, M De Lima Galvao, VJ Anacta
Proceedings of Workshops and Posters at the 13th International Conference on …, 2018
Can You Follow Your Own Route Directions: How Familiarity and Spatial Abilities Influence Spatial Performance and Sketch Maps
R Li, VJA Anacta, A Schwering
Spatial Cognition X: 13th Biennial Conference, KogWis 2016, Bremen, Germany …, 2017
Map-off the city: how uncertain places are represented in sketch maps
VJA Anacta, M Humayun, A Schwering
Poster presented at 18th AGILE international conference on geographic …, 2015
It’s GIrls’ Day! What sketch maps show about girls’ spatial knowledge
VJA Anacta, T Bartoschek
AGILE Digital Editions, 2014
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مقالات 1–20