Dylan C. Kesler
Dylan C. Kesler
Slingshot Aerospace
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Taxonomic considerations in listing subspecies under the US Endangered Species Act
SM Haig, EA Beever, SM Chambers, HM Draheim, BD Dugger, ...
Conservation Biology 20 (6), 1584-1594, 2006
Landscape effects on mallard habitat selection at multiple spatial scales during the non-breeding period
WS Beatty, EB Webb, DC Kesler, AH Raedeke, LW Naylor, DD Humburg
Landscape ecology 29, 989-1000, 2014
Phenological mismatch in Arctic‐breeding shorebirds: Impact of snowmelt and unpredictable weather conditions on food availability and chick growth
ST Saalfeld, DC McEwen, DC Kesler, MG Butler, JA Cunningham, ...
Ecology and Evolution 9 (11), 6693-6707, 2019
The role of protected area wetlands in waterfowl habitat conservation: implications for protected area network design
WS Beatty, DC Kesler, EB Webb, AH Raedeke, LW Naylor, DD Humburg
Biological Conservation 176, 144-152, 2014
Using mixed hidden Markov models to examine behavioral states in a cooperatively breeding bird
AE McKellar, R Langrock, JR Walters, DC Kesler
Behavioral Ecology 26 (1), 148-157, 2015
Prospecting behavior and the influenceof forest cover on natal dispersal in aresident bird
AS Cox, DC Kesler
Behavioral Ecology 23 (5), 1068-1077, 2012
Habitat and social factors influence nest-site selection in Arctic-breeding shorebirds
JA Cunningham, DC Kesler, RB Lanctot
The Auk: Ornithological Advances 133 (3), 364-377, 2016
Wildlife radiotelemetry and remote monitoring
JJ Millspaugh, DC Kesler, RW Kays, RA Gitzen, JH Schulz, CT Rota, ...
The wildlife techniques manual 1, 258-283, 2012
Allowing extinction: should we let species go?
DS Jachowski, DC Kesler
Trends in ecology & evolution 24 (4), 180, 2009
Bats in a changing landscape: Linking occupancy and traits of a diverse montane bat community to fire regime
RV Blakey, EB Webb, DC Kesler, RB Siegel, D Corcoran, M Johnson
Ecology and Evolution 9 (9), 5324-5337, 2019
Social influences on dispersal and the fat-tailed dispersal distribution in red-cockaded woodpeckers
DC Kesler, JR Walters, JJ Kappes Jr
Behavioral Ecology 21 (6), 1337-1343, 2010
Territoriality, Prospecting, and Dispersal in Cooperatively Breeding Micronesian Kingfishers (Todiramphus Cinnamominus Reichenbachii)
DC Kesler, SM Haig
The Auk 124 (2), 381-395, 2007
Factors affecting female space use in ten populations of prairie chickens
VL Winder, KM Carrlson, AJ Gregory, CA Hagen, DA Haukos, DC Kesler, ...
Ecosphere 6 (9), 1-17, 2015
The role of wildfire, prescribed fire, and mountain pine beetle infestations on the population dynamics of black-backed woodpeckers in the Black Hills, South Dakota
CT Rota, JJ Millspaugh, MA Rumble, CP Lehman, DC Kesler
PloS one 9 (4), e94700, 2014
Space-use and habitat associations of Black-backed Woodpeckers (Picoides arcticus) occupying recently disturbed forests in the Black Hills, South Dakota
CT Rota, MA Rumble, JJ Millspaugh, CP Lehman, DC Kesler
Forest Ecology and Management 313, 161-168, 2014
Redefining baselines in endangered species recovery
DS Jachowski, DC Kesler, DA Steen, JR Walters
The Journal of Wildlife Management 79 (1), 3-9, 2015
Using movement ecology to inform translocation efforts: a case study with an endangered lekking bird species
KM Kemink, DC Kesler
Animal Conservation 16 (4), 449-457, 2013
Reevaluating the cost of natal dispersal: post-fledging survival of red-bellied woodpeckers
AS Cox, DC Kesler
The Condor 114 (2), 341-347, 2012
Taxa, petitioning agency, and lawsuits affect time spent awaiting listing under the US Endangered Species Act
EE Puckett, DC Kesler, DN Greenwald
Biological Conservation 201, 220-229, 2016
Effects of satellite transmitters on captive and wild mallards
DC Kesler, AH Raedeke, JR Foggia, WS Beatty, EB Webb, DD Humburg, ...
Wildlife Society Bulletin 38 (3), 557-565, 2014
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مقالات 1–20