Hao Wu (吴昊)
Hao Wu (吴昊)
China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Semiautomated seismic horizon interpretation using the encoder-decoder convolutional neural network
H Wu, B Zhang, T Lin, D Cao, Y Lou
Geophysics 84 (6), B403-B417, 2019
Seismic data reconstruction via wavelet-based residual deep learning
N Liu, L Wu, J Wang, H Wu, J Gao, D Wang
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 60, 1-13, 2022
Semiautomatic first-arrival picking of microseismic events by using the pixel-wise convolutional image segmentation method
H Wu, B Zhang, F Li, N Liu
Geophysics 84 (3), V143-V155, 2019
White noise attenuation of seismic trace by integrating variational mode decomposition with convolutional neural network
H Wu, B Zhang, T Lin, F Li, N Liu
Geophysics 84 (5), V307-V317, 2019
Self-adaptive denoising net: Self-supervised learning for seismic migration artifacts and random noise attenuation
H Wu, B Zhang, N Liu
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 214, 110431, 2022
Seismic time–frequency analysis via adaptive mode separation-based wavelet transform
F Li, B Wu, N Liu, Y Hu, H Wu
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 17 (4), 696-700, 2019
Accurate seismic dip and azimuth estimation using semblance dip guided structure tensor analysis
Y Lou, B Zhang, T Lin, N Liu, H Wu, R Liu, D Cao
Geophysics 84 (5), O103-O112, 2019
Facies analysis by integrating 3D seismic attributes and well logs for prospect identification and evaluation—A case study from Northwest China
X Wang, B Zhang, T Zhao, J Hang, H Wu, Z Yong
Interpretation 5 (2), SE61-SE74, 2017
Seismic anelastic attenuation estimation using prestack seismic gathers
N Liu, B Zhang, J Gao, H Wu, S Li
Geophysics 84 (6), M37-M49, 2019
Microseismic first-arrival picking using fine-tuning feature pyramid networks
N Liu, J Chen, H Wu, F Li, J Gao
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 19, 1-5, 2021
Variable seismic waveforms representation: Weak-supervised learning based seismic horizon picking
H Wu, Z Li, N Liu
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 214, 110412, 2022
Seismic acoustic impedance inversion using reweighted L1-norm sparse constraint
L He, H Wu, X Wen, J You
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 19, 1-5, 2022
Improved seismic well tie by integrating variable-size window resampling with well-tie net
H Wu, Z Li, N Liu, B Zhang
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 208, 109368, 2022
Seismic attributes aided horizon interpretation using an ensemble dense inception transformer network
N Liu, J Huo, Z Li, H Wu, Y Lou, J Gao
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 62, 1-10, 2024
ASHFormer: Axial and sliding window-based attention with high-resolution transformer for automatic stratigraphic correlation
N Liu, Z Li, R Liu, H Zhang, J Gao, T Wei, J Si, H Wu
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 61, 1-10, 2023
Seismic well tie by aligning impedance log with inverted impedance from seismic data
B Zhang, Y Yang, Y Pan, H Wu, D Cao
Interpretation 8 (4), T917-T925, 2020
The determination of the constant phase of seismic wavelet using automatic seismic-well tying
H Wu, B Zhang, D Cao
Exploration Geophysics 50 (3), 245-254, 2019
Multichannel complex seismic traces analysis
S Li, Z Huo, B Zhang, Y Lou, H Wu, S Wang
IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 17 (5), 879-883, 2019
The edge-guided FPN model for automatic stratigraphic correlation of well logs
N Liu, Z Li, J Chen, Y Liu, H Wu, J Gao, X Zhou
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 218, 110985, 2022
Orientation estimate of 3D seismic events using dynamic programming
B Zhang, Y Lou, H Wu
SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting, D033S037R007, 2019
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مقالات 1–20