Leonardo Vidal Batista
Leonardo Vidal Batista
Professor of Computer Science, Federal University of Paraiba
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على ci.ufpb.br
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Compression of ECG signals by optimized quantization of discrete cosine transform coefficients
LV Batista, EUK Melcher, LC Carvalho
Medical engineering & physics 23 (2), 127-134, 2001
Face recognition using DCT coefficients selection
FM de S. Matos, LV Batista, JK Poel
Proceedings of the 2008 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 1753-1757, 2008
Author identification using writer-dependent and writer-independent strategies
D Pavelec, E Justino, LV Batista, LS Oliveira
Proceedings of the 2008 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 414-418, 2008
A novel method to predict genomic islands based on mean shift clustering algorithm
DM de Brito, V Maracaja-Coutinho, ST de Farias, LV Batista, TG do Rêgo
PloS one 11 (1), e0146352, 2016
2D-DCT distance based face recognition using a reduced number of coefficients
D Omaia, JK vd Poel, LV Batista
2009 XXII Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, 291-298, 2009
Using Conjunctions and Adverbs for Author Verification.
D Pavelec, LS Oliveira, EJR Justino, LV Batista
J. Univers. Comput. Sci. 14 (18), 2967-2981, 2008
Compression of ECG signals based on optimum quantization of discrete cosine transform coefficients and Golomb-Rice coding
LV Batista, LC Carvalho, EUK Melcher
Proceedings of the 25th Annual International Conference of the IEEE …, 2003
Near-Lossless Compression of ECG Signals using Perceptual Masks in the DCT Domain
RCM Duarte, FM Matos, LV Batista
IV Latin American Congress on Biomedical Engineering 2007, Bioengineering …, 2007
Texture classification using the Lempel-Ziv-Welch algorithm
LV Batista, MM Meira
Brazilian Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, 444-453, 2004
Compression and stylometry for author identification
D Pavelec, LS Oliveira, E Justino, FDN Neto, LV Batista
2009 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2445-2450, 2009
Evaluation of bone repair in the femur of rats submitted to laser therapy in different wavelengths: an image segmentation method of analysis
AS Queiroga, FB Sousa, JMS Araújo, SD Santos, CDFS Sousa, ...
Laser physics 18, 1087-1091, 2008
Author identification using compression models
D Pavelec, LS Oliveira, E Justino, FDN Neto, LV Batista
2009 10th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, 936-940, 2009
Atribuição de Autoria usando PPM
BC Coutinho, LM Macedo, A Rique-JR, LV Batista
XXV Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira da Computaçao, 2208-2217, 2004
Innovative and sustainable food preservation techniques: Enhancing food quality, safety, and environmental sustainability
HM Lisboa, MB Pasquali, AI dos Anjos, AM Sarinho, ED de Melo, ...
Sustainability 16 (18), 8223, 2024
A new multiscale, curvature-based shape representation technique for image retrieval based on dsp techniques
J van der Poel, CWD de Almeida, LV Batista
Fifth International Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS'05), 6 pp., 2005
CNN prediction enhancement by post-processing for hydrocarbon detection in seismic images
JFL Souza, GL Santana, LV Batista, GP Oliveira, E Roemers-Oliveira, ...
IEEE Access 8, 120447-120455, 2020
Multispectral image unsupervised segmentation using watershed transformation and cross-entropy minimization in different land use
E Freire Santana, L Vidal Batista, R Marques da Silva, ...
GIScience and Remote Sensing 1, 613-629, 2014
Heart arrhythmia classification using the PPM algorithm
TFL de Medeiros, EVC de Lima Borges, BÉS Cavalcante, AB Cavalvanti, ...
ISSNIP Biosignals and Biorobotics Conference 2011, 1-5, 2011
Turbidity classification of the Paraopeba River using machine learning and Sentinel-2 images
LV Batista
IEEE Latin America Transactions 20 (5), 799-805, 2022
Coastal evolution and future projections in Conde County, Brazil: A multi-decadal assessment via remote sensing and sea-level rise scenarios
CAG Santos, GR do Nascimento, LMT Freitas, LV Batista, B Zerouali, ...
Science of The Total Environment 915, 169829, 2024
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مقالات 1–20