Donald Hagan
Donald Hagan
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على clemson.edu
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Improving methods to evaluate the impacts of plant invasions: Lessons from 40 years of research
KB Stricker, DL Hagan, SL Flory
AoB Plants, 2015
Allelopathic Exudates of Cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica): Implications for the Performance of Native Pine Savanna Plant Species in the Southeastern US
DL Hagan, S Jose, CH Lin
Journal of Chemical Ecology, 1-11, 2013
Repeated application of fuel reduction treatments in the Southern Appalachian Mountains, USA: implications for achieving management goals
TA Waldrop, DL Hagan, DM Simon
Fire Ecology 12, 28-47, 2016
Short-Term Impacts of Laurel Wilt on Redbay (Persea borbonia [L.] Spreng.) in a Mixed Evergreen‐Deciduous Forest in Northern Florida
J Shields, S Jose, J Freeman, M Bunyan, G Celis, D Hagan, M Morgan, ...
Journal of Forestry 109 (2), 82-88, 2011
Plant community responses to bison reintroduction on the Northern Great Plains, USA: A test of the keystone species concept
NA McMillan, KE Kunkel, DL Hagan, DS Jachowski
Restoration Ecology, 2019
Anthropogenic effects on the physical and chemical properties of subtropical coastal urban soils
D Hagan, C Dobbs, N Timilsina, F Escobedo, GS Toor, M Andreu
Soil Use and Management 28 (1), 78-88, 2012
Prescribed fire effects on sediment and nutrient exports in forested environments: A Review
K Klimas, P Hiesl, D Hagan, D Park
Journal of Environmental Quality, 2020
Mineral soil chemical properties as influenced by long-term use of prescribed fire with differing frequencies in a southeastern Coastal Plain pine forest
TA Coates, DL Hagan, WM Aust, A Johnson, JC Keen, AT Chow, ...
Forests 9 (12), 739, 2018
Long‐term herpetofaunal response to repeated fuel reduction treatments
CH Greenberg, CE Moorman, CE Matthews‐Snoberger, TA Waldrop, ...
The Journal of Wildlife Management, 2017
Long-term Avian Response to Fire Severity, Repeated Burning, and Mechanical Fuel Reduction In Upland Hardwood Forest
CH Greenberg, J Tomcho, A Livings-Tomcho, JD Lanham, TA Waldrop, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 424, 367-377, 2018
Impacts of repeated wildfire on long-unburned plant communities of the southern Appalachian Mountains
DL Hagan, TA Waldrop, M Reilly, TM Shearman
International Journal of Wildland Fire, 2015
Forest composition, fuel loading, and soil chemistry resulting from 50 years of forest management and natural disturbance in two southeastern Coastal Plain watersheds, USA
TA Coates, A Johnson, WM Aust, DL Hagan, AT Chow, C Trettin
Forest Ecology and Management 473, 118337, 2020
Understory Vegetation Responses to 15 Years of Repeated Fuel Reduction Treatments in the Southern Appalachian Mountains, USA
EC Oakman, DL Hagan, TA Waldrop, K Barrett
Forests 10 (350), 2019
Production physiology of three native shrubs intercropped in a young longleaf pine plantation
DL Hagan, S Jose, M Thetford, K Bohn
Agroforestry for Commodity Production: Ecological and Social Dimensions, 19-30, 2009
Influence of Forestry Practices Cost on Financial Performance of Forestry Investments
DW Callaghan, PN Khanal, TJ Straka, DL Hagan
Resources 8 (1), 2019
Frequent prescribed burning as a long‐term practice in longleaf pine forests does not affect detrital chemical composition
TA Coates, AT Chow, DL Hagan, GG Wang, WC Bridges Jr, JH Dozier
Journal of Environmental Quality 46 (5), 1020-1027, 2017
How do fire behavior and fuel consumption vary between dormant and early growing season prescribed burns in the southern Appalachian Mountains?
MC Vaughan, DL Hagan, WC Bridges, MB Dickinson, TA Coates
Fire Ecology 17 (27), 2021
Improving methods to evaluate the impacts of plant invasions: lessons from 40 years of research. AoB Plants 7: plv028
KB Stricker, D Hagan, SL Flory
The Role of Soil and Landscape Factors in Chinese Privet (Ligustrum sinense) Invasion in the Appalachian Piedmont
DL Hagan, EA Mikhailova, TM Shearman, PT Ma, JS Nankaya, SK Hart, ...
Invasive Plant Science and Management 7 (3), 2014
Partitioning of applied 15N fertilizer in a longleaf pine and native woody ornamental intercropping system
DL Hagan, S Jose, M Thetford, K Bohn
Agroforestry systems 79, 47-57, 2010
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مقالات 1–20