Emeka Ikegwuonu
Emeka Ikegwuonu
St. Cloud State University-Assistant Professor
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
“Men doing life together”: Black Christian fraternity men’s embodiments of brotherhood
KM McGuire, TS McTier Jr, E Ikegwuonu, JD Sweet, K Bryant-Scott
Men and Masculinities 23 (3-4), 579-599, 2020
A pledge of faithfulness: How Black Christian fraternity men embody race, gender and religious identities
KM McGuire, JD Sweet, K Bryant-Scott, TS McTier, E Ikegwuonu
The Journal of Higher Education 91 (2), 249-274, 2020
"It was rough": The experiences of first-generation collegians transitioning into higher education amid COVID-19
Santa-Ramirez, S., Block, S., Vargas, A., Muralidhar, K., Ikegwuonu
New Directions for Higher Education 5, 2022
Do Attitudes Towards and Knowledge of Mandatory Fees Predict College Student Engagement in Fee Supported Services?
E Ikegwuonu
Arizona State University, 2020
Do Students' Academic Capital, Knowledge and Attitudes toward Mandatory Fees, and University Knowledge Predict Their Payment Methods?.
E Ikegwuonu, L Ross
Journal of Student Financial Aid 53 (2), 1, 2024
Do Students' Academic Capital, Knowledge and Attitudes towards Mandatory Fees, and Univ ees, and University K ersity Knowledge Pr nowledge Predict Their P edict Their Payment …
E Ikegwuonu, L Ross
Journal of Student Financial Aid 53 (2), 2024
How Female Undergraduate Students’ Holistic Experiences Predict Their Payment Methods
CEA Ikegwuonu, S Santa-Ramirez
Youth 4 (2), 759-786, 2024
A sequential mixed-methods study of a technology-enabled support system promoting student-to-teacher success
S Beardsley, A.M., Collins, C, Demps, D., Gong, B.G., Ikegwuonu, C., Salina ...
Teaching Education 35 (4), 1-24, 2023
Strategies for closing the gap: Universities use of fees and the volatility of in state appropriation
C Kim, J. & Ikegwuonu
Volatility in state spending for higher education, 231-258, 2023
Inequity in Higher Ed Institutions: A Review of Key Issues & Equity-Centered Strategies
CPDE Ikegwuonu, L Ellis-Nelson
Strategies for Closing the Gap? Universities’ Use of Fees and the Volatility in State Appropriations
J Kim, CEA Ikegwuonu
Volatility in State Spending for Higher Education, 231, 0
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–11