Dr. Peter Simon
Dr. Peter Simon
Klinik für Innere Medizin A, Universitätsmedizin Greifswald
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Evidence-based surgical treatments for chronic pancreatitis: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
J Kleeff, C Stöß, J Mayerle, L Stecher, M Maak, P Simon, U Nitsche, ...
Deutsches Ärzteblatt International 113 (29-30), 489, 2016
Copy number variants and VNTR length polymorphisms of the carboxyl-ester lipase (CEL) gene as risk factors in pancreatic cancer
M Dalva, K El Jellas, SJ Steine, BB Johansson, M Ringdal, J Torsvik, ...
Pancreatology 17 (1), 83-88, 2017
Idiopathic vs hereditary pancreatitis
V Keim, N Teich
Jama 289 (8), 983-985, 2003
Defining chronic pancreatitis with a focus on pathological stress responses.
MM Lerch, P Simon, FU Weiss, A Aghdassi, J Mayerle
Pancreatology: Official Journal of the International Association of …, 2016
Over-the-scope clip closure of a colon perforation caused by an ingested wooden toothpick
S Luense, P Simon, CD Heidecke, A Glitsch
ACG Case Reports Journal 3 (4), e165, 2016
Timing of oral refeeding after acute pancreatitis
S Gärtner, A Steveling, P Simon
Pancreapedia: The Exocrine Pancreas Knowledge Base, 2016
Langzeituntersuchung zur Karzinomentstehung bei Patienten mit hereditärer Pankreatitis und Pankreasgangstenosen in der ERCP
P Simon, F Weiß, A Brockmann, J Mayerle, M Lerch
Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie 53 (08), KG054, 2015
Development of a prognostic scoring system for chronic pancreatitis (CPSS)
C Budde, T Bulla, AA Aghdassi, E Weber, P Simon, JA Scheiber, ...
Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie 52 (08), KG038, 2014
Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain protein 2 (NOD2/CARD15) mutation p. R702W predisposes to a fatal outcome of severe acute pancreatitis
A Guenther, RM Nijmeijer, C Nitsche, A Aghdassi, MA Boemeester, ...
Pancreatology 3 (13), S7-S8, 2013
Fluid resuscitation in acute pancreatitis
G Beyer, J Mayerle, P Simon, MM Lerch
Pancreapedia: The Exocrine Pancreas Knowledge Base, 2016
Snake bite in a 53-year-old female tourist
S Bertheau, A Aghdassi, M Otto, K Hegenscheid, S Runge, MM Lerch, ...
Der Internist 56, 189-194, 2015
53-jährige Urlauberin auf Hiddensee mit Schlangenbiss
S Bertheau, A Aghdassi, M Otto, K Hegenscheid, S Runge, MM Lerch, ...
Der Internist 2 (56), 189-194, 2015
Pancreatic endocrine tumors in multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome
E Spilcke‐Liss, P Simon, MM Lerch, H Wallaschofski
The Pancreas: An Integrated Textbook of Basic Science, Medicine, and Surgery …, 2008
Real-time Tissue Elastography (RTE) und histologischer Grad der Leberfibrose nach Ishak im klinischen Alltag
J Hartmann, CO Behn, P Döring, JA Scheiber, L Dekowski, T Pickartz, ...
Zeitschrift für Gastroenterologie 54 (08), KV530, 2016
Tu1456 Osteopathy Is Common in Patients With Chronic Pancreatitis, but Is Not Related With Vitamin D and Fecal Elastase Levels (P-BONE Study)
S Stigliano, A Waldthaler, E Martinez-Moneo, S Robinson, M Malvik, ...
Gastroenterology 150 (4), S906, 2016
Osteopathy is common in patients with chronic pancreatitis, but is not related with vitamin D and fecal elastase levels (P-BONE study, a pancreas 2000 Project)
S Stigliano, A Waldthaler, EM Moneo, S Robinson, M Malvik, A Hedstrom, ...
Pancreatology 3 (16), S52, 2016
Diagnostic biomarkers for early chronic pancreatitis
MM Lerch, P Simon, FU Weiss
Pancreatology 4 (16), S13, 2016
Deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins in chronic pancreatitis: A systematic review and meta-analysis
EM Moneo, S Stigliano, A Hedstrom, A Kaczka, M Malvik, A Waldthaler, ...
Pancreatology 3 (15), S75, 2015
Long term cancer surveillance of patients with hereditary pancreatitis and ERCP-proven pancreatic duct strictures
P Simon, FU Weiß, A Brockmann, J Mayerle, M Lerch
Pancreatology 3 (15), S70-S71, 2015
Chronische Pankreatitis: Behandlung von Pseudozysten
MM Lerch, J Mayerle, P Simon
SpringerReference Innere Medizin: herausgegeben von Hendrik Lehnert, 1-9, 2015
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20