Nicola Elvassore
Nicola Elvassore
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Role of YAP/TAZ in mechanotransduction
S Dupont, L Morsut, M Aragona, E Enzo, S Giulitti, M Cordenonsi, ...
Nature 474 (7350), 179-183, 2011
A mechanical checkpoint controls multicellular growth through YAP/TAZ regulation by actin-processing factors
M Aragona, T Panciera, A Manfrin, S Giulitti, F Michielin, N Elvassore, ...
Cell 154 (5), 1047-1059, 2013
Extracellular matrix hydrogel derived from decellularized tissues enables endodermal organoid culture
GG Giobbe, C Crowley, C Luni, S Campinoti, M Khedr, K Kretzschmar, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 5658, 2019
Electrical stimulation of human embryonic stem cells: cardiac differentiation and the generation of reactive oxygen species
E Serena, E Figallo, N Tandon, C Cannizzaro, S Gerecht, N Elvassore, ...
Experimental cell research 315 (20), 3611-3619, 2009
Microbial inactivation by high-pressure
S Spilimbergo, N Elvassore, A Bertucco
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 22 (1), 55-63, 2002
Micro-bioreactor array for controlling cellular microenvironments
E Figallo, C Cannizzaro, S Gerecht, JA Burdick, R Langer, N Elvassore, ...
Lab on a Chip 7 (6), 710-719, 2007
Production of insulin‐loaded poly (ethylene glycol)/poly (l‐lactide)(PEG/PLA) nanoparticles by gas antisolvent techniques
N Elvassore, A Bertucco, P Caliceti
Journal of pharmaceutical sciences 90 (10), 1628-1636, 2001
In vivo tissue engineering of functional skeletal muscle by freshly isolated satellite cells embedded in a photopolymerizable hydrogel
CA Rossi, M Flaibani, B Blaauw, M Pozzobon, E Figallo, C Reggiani, ...
The FASEB Journal 25 (7), 2296-2304, 2011
PGE1 stimulation of HEK293 cells generates multiple contiguous domains with different [cAMP]: role of compartmentalized phosphodiesterases
A Terrin, G Di Benedetto, V Pertegato, YF Cheung, G Baillie, MJ Lynch, ...
The Journal of cell biology 175 (3), 441-451, 2006
Human-on-chip for therapy development and fundamental science
C Luni, E Serena, N Elvassore
Current opinion in biotechnology 25, 45-50, 2014
Intravital three-dimensional bioprinting
A Urciuolo, I Poli, L Brandolino, P Raffa, V Scattolini, C Laterza, ...
Nature biomedical engineering 4 (9), 901-915, 2020
Functional differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells on a chip
GG Giobbe, F Michielin, C Luni, S Giulitti, S Martewicz, S Dupont, ...
Nature methods 12 (7), 637-640, 2015
High-pressure density and vapor–liquid equilibrium for the binary systems carbon dioxide–ethanol, carbon dioxide–acetone and carbon dioxide–dichloromethane
M Stievano, N Elvassore
The Journal of Supercritical Fluids 33 (1), 7-14, 2005
Effective protein release from PEG/PLA nano-particles produced by compressed gas anti-solvent precipitation techniques
P Caliceti, S Salmaso, N Elvassore, A Bertucco
Journal of Controlled Release 94 (1), 195-205, 2004
Conformable hyaluronic acid hydrogel delivers adipose-derived stem cells and promotes regeneration of burn injury
Y Dong, M Cui, J Qu, X Wang, SH Kwon, J Barrera, N Elvassore, ...
Acta biomaterialia 108, 56-66, 2020
Production of protein-loaded polymeric microcapsules by compressed CO2 in a mixed solvent
N Elvassore, A Bertucco, P Caliceti
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 40 (3), 795-800, 2001
Micro-bioreactor arrays for controlling cellular environments: design principles for human embryonic stem cell applications
E Cimetta, E Figallo, C Cannizzaro, N Elvassore, G Vunjak-Novakovic
Methods 47 (2), 81-89, 2009
Mitochondrial fission links ECM mechanotransduction to metabolic redox homeostasis and metastatic chemotherapy resistance
P Romani, N Nirchio, M Arboit, V Barbieri, A Tosi, F Michielin, S Shibuya, ...
Nature cell biology 24 (2), 168-180, 2022
High-efficiency cellular reprogramming with microfluidics
C Luni, S Giulitti, E Serena, L Ferrari, A Zambon, O Gagliano, GG Giobbe, ...
Nature methods 13 (5), 446-452, 2016
Mathematical modeling of three-dimensional cell cultures in perfusion bioreactors
F Coletti, S Macchietto, N Elvassore
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 45 (24), 8158-8169, 2006
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20