Sven Bohn
Sven Bohn
Thuringian Energy and GreenTech Agency
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Opportunities and challenges of high renewable energy deployment and electricity exchange for North Africa and Europe–Scenarios for power sector and transmission infrastructure …
I Boie, C Kost, S Bohn, M Agsten, P Bretschneider, O Snigovyi, M Pudlik, ...
Renewable Energy 87, 130-144, 2016
A Pan-European-North African HVDC Grid for Bulk Energy Transmission – A Model-based Analysis
S Bohn, M Agsten, AK Marten, D Westermann, I Boie, M Ragwitz
2014 IEEE PES Transmission & Distribution Conference & Exposition, 2014
A comparative analysis of pev charging impacts-an international perspective
S Bohn, M Agsten, A Dubey, S Santoso
SAE Technical Paper, 2015
Scenarios for Renewable Energy Deployment in North Africa Countries and Electricity Exchange with Europe-A model-based Analysis for 2050
I Boie, M Pudlik, M Ragwitz, F Sensfuß, S Bohn, M Agsten, ...
ICPES, Bangkok, Thailand, 2013
Fraunhofer topics of the future" SUPERGRID". Supergrid-Approach for the integration of renewable energy in Europe and North Africa
W Platzer, I Boie, M Ragwitz, C Kost, J Thoma, A Vogel, T Fluri, W Pfeiffer, ...
Fraunhofer ISE, 2016
An ICT Architecture for Managed Charging of Electric Vehicles in Smart Grid Environments
PB S. Bohn, M. Agsten, O. Waldhorst, A. Mitschele
Journal of Engineering 2013, 2013
MC-based risk analysis on the capacity of distribution grids to charge PEVs on 3-ph 0.4-kV distribution grids considering time and location uncertainties
S Bohn, R Feustel, M Agsten
SAE International Journal of Passenger Cars-Electronic and Electrical …, 2015
A continuous DC voltage control function for meshed HVDC grids, and the impact of the underlying future AC grid due to renewable in-feed
S Bohn, M Fetisova, M Agsten, AK Marten, D Westermann
Proceedings of 2014 International Conference on Modelling, Identification …, 2014
Integration of Electric Vehicle Charging into an International and Environment-friendly Context
M Weigand, S Bohn, D Beyer, M Agsten
SAE 2014 World Congress & Exhibition 2014, 2014
The Operation of a Meshed HVDC Grid–A Model-based Analysis of a Supergrid
S Bohn, J Kayser, M Fetisova, AK Marten, M Agsten, D Westermann
Australian Utility Week, Melbourne, Australia, 2014
Determinanten erfolgreichen Gesteuerten Ladens elektrischer Fahrzeuge
M Agsten, S Schlegel, D Westermann, S Bohn, X Pfab
VDE-Kongress 2012, 2012
" SuperGrid"-Das europäisch-nordafrikanische HGÜ-Overlay-Netz der Zukunft
S Bohn, I Boie, C Kost, M Agsten, D Westermann
Fraunhofer Zukunftsthemen" SUPERGRID". Supergrid-Ansatz für die Integration von Erneuerbaren Energien in Europa und Nordafrika
W Platzer, I Boie, M Ragwitz, C Kost, J Thoma, A Vogel, T Fluri, W Pfeiffer, ...
Fraunhofer ISE, 2016
Einfluss künftiger Elektromobilität auf städtische Verteilernetze
M Weigand, M Agsten, D Beyer, S Bohn, P Bretschneider
Meshed HVDC Transmission in the Content of Sustainable Power Transmission for the Future and its Environmental Impact
S Bohn, I Boie, C Kost, M Agsten, P Bretschneider, D Westermann, ...
Journal of Strategic Innovation and Sustainability 10 (1), 88, 2014
Open Research and Operation Prototype – OROP
M Agsten, S Bohn, D Beyer
Last-und Einspeisemanagent von Elektrofahrzeugen
M Agsten, D Beyer, S Bohn
Lobby für Netzbetreiber-AK Smart Grid hat Fahrt aufgenommen
M Agsten, S Bohn
Thüringer VDE Informationen, 2014
Integration einphasig ladender Elektrofahrzeuge in Verteilernetze
M Agsten, D Beyer, S Bohn
Reviewing AUTs EV Market Rollout against European Models-some experiences
S Bohn, D Beyer, R Feustel, IP Bretschneider, X Pfab
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20