مقالات بحثية تمّ التفويض بإتاحتها للجميع - Anthony Manciniمزيد من المعلومات
عدد المقالات البحثية غير المتاحة للجميع في أي موقع: 1
Recent trends in the treatment of prolonged grief
AD Mancini, P Griffin, GA Bonanno
Current Opinion in Psychiatry 25 (1), 46-51, 2012
التفويضات: US National Institutes of Health
عدد المقالات البحثية المتاحة للجميع في موقع ما: 19
Complicated grief and related bereavement issues for DSM‐5
MK Shear, N Simon, M Wall, S Zisook, R Neimeyer, N Duan, C Reynolds, ...
Depression and anxiety 28 (2), 103-117, 2011
التفويضات: US National Institutes of Health, Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Predictors and parameters of resilience to loss: Toward an individual differences model
AD Mancini, GA Bonanno
Journal of personality 77 (6), 1805-1832, 2009
التفويضات: US National Institutes of Health
Psychopathology and resilience following traumatic injury: a latent growth mixture model analysis.
TA deRoon-Cassini, AD Mancini, MD Rusch, GA Bonanno
Rehabilitation psychology 55 (1), 1, 2010
التفويضات: US National Institutes of Health
Stepping off the hedonic treadmill: Individual differences in response to major life events
AD Mancini, GA Bonanno, AE Clark
Journal of Individual Differences 32 (3), 144-152, 2011
التفويضات: US National Institutes of Health
The limits of resilience: Distress following chronic political violence among Palestinians
SE Hobfoll, AD Mancini, BJ Hall, D Canetti, GA Bonanno
Social science & medicine 72 (8), 1400-1408, 2011
التفويضات: US National Institutes of Health
Many Labs 4: Failure to replicate mortality salience effect with and without original author involvement
RA Klein, CL Cook, CR Ebersole, C Vitiello, BA Nosek, J Hilgard, PH Ahn, ...
Collabra: Psychology 8 (1), 35271, 2022
التفويضات: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, European Commission …
Assertive community treatment: Facilitators and barriers to implementation in routine mental health settings
AD Mancini, LL Moser, R Whitley, GJ McHugo, GR Bond, MT Finnerty, ...
Psychiatric Services, 2009
التفويضات: US National Institutes of Health
Can people benefit from acute stress? Social support, psychological improvement, and resilience after the Virginia Tech campus shootings
AD Mancini, HL Littleton, AE Grills
Clinical Psychological Science 4 (3), 401-417, 2016
التفويضات: US National Science Foundation
Do shattered worldviews lead to complicated grief? Prospective and longitudinal analyses
AD Mancini, G Prati, GA Bonanno
Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology 30 (2), 184-215, 2011
التفويضات: US National Institutes of Health
The persistence of attachment: Complicated grief, threat, and reaction times to the deceased's name
AD Mancini, GA Bonanno
Journal of affective disorders 139 (3), 256-263, 2012
التفويضات: US National Institutes of Health
Adaptive and maladaptive dependency in bereavement: Distinguishing prolonged and resolved grief trajectories
CA Denckla, AD Mancini, RF Bornstein, GA Bonanno
Personality and individual differences 51 (8), 1012-1017, 2011
التفويضات: US National Institutes of Health
Predictors of positive outcomes in offspring of depressed parents and non-depressed parents across 20 years
RE Lewandowski, H Verdeli, P Wickramaratne, V Warner, A Mancini, ...
Journal of child and family studies 23, 800-811, 2014
التفويضات: US National Institutes of Health
Distinguishing postpartum and antepartum depressive trajectories in a large population-based cohort: the impact of exposure to adversity and offspring gender
CA Denckla, AD Mancini, NS Consedine, SM Milanovic, A Basu, S Seedat, ...
Psychological Medicine 48 (7), 1139-1147, 2018
التفويضات: US National Institutes of Health, UK Medical Research Council, Wellcome Trust
A brief retrospective method for identifying longitudinal trajectories of adjustment following acute stress
AD Mancini, GA Bonanno, B Sinan
Assessment 22 (3), 298-308, 2015
التفويضات: US National Institutes of Health
Posttraumatic stress disorder near and far: Symptom networks from 2 to 12 months after the Virginia Tech campus shootings
AD Mancini, HL Littleton, AE Grills, PJ Jones
Clinical Psychological Science 7 (6), 1340-1354, 2019
التفويضات: US National Science Foundation
Disambiguating dependency and attachment among conjugally bereaved adults
CA Denckla, RF Bornstein, AD Mancini, GA Bonanno
Journal of Loss and Trauma 20 (5), 468-483, 2015
التفويضات: US National Institutes of Health
Contribution of risk and resilience factors to anxiety trajectories during the early stages of the COVID‐19 pandemic: A longitudinal study
T Shilton, AD Mancini, S Perlstein, GE DiDomenico, E Visoki, ...
Stress and Health 39 (4), 927-939, 2023
التفويضات: US National Science Foundation, US National Institutes of Health
Extending the construct validity of dependency among conjugally bereaved adults
CA Denckla, RF Bornstein, AD Mancini, GA Bonanno
Assessment 22 (3), 385-393, 2015
التفويضات: US National Institutes of Health
Exploring the role of traumatic event exposure in tobacco dependence treatment outcomes among African Americans
A Shevorykin, LM Ruglass, AD Mancini, E Carl, A Legg, CE Sheffer
Journal of psychoactive drugs 53 (5), 452-459, 2021
التفويضات: US National Institutes of Health
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