Urs Berger
Urs Berger
University Hospital Freiburg, Germany
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على uniklinik-freiburg.de
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances in the environment: terminology, classification, and origins
RC Buck, J Franklin, U Berger, JM Conder, IT Cousins, P De Voogt, ...
Integrated environmental assessment and management 7 (4), 513-541, 2011
Determination of selected pharmaceuticals and caffeine in sewage and seawater from Tromsø/Norway with emphasis on ibuprofen and its metabolites
S Weigel, U Berger, E Jensen, R Kallenborn, H Thoresen, H Hühnerfuss
Chemosphere 56 (6), 583-592, 2004
Levels and trends of poly-and perfluorinated compounds in the arctic environment
CM Butt, U Berger, R Bossi, GT Tomy
Science of the total environment 408 (15), 2936-2965, 2010
Perfluorinated alkyl acids in blood serum from primiparous women in Sweden: serial sampling during pregnancy and nursing, and temporal trends 1996–2010
A Glynn, U Berger, A Bignert, S Ullah, M Aune, S Lignell, PO Darnerud
Environmental science & technology 46 (16), 9071-9079, 2012
Bioaccumulation of per-and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFAS) in selected species from the Barents Sea food web
M Haukås, U Berger, H Hop, B Gulliksen, GW Gabrielsen
Environmental Pollution 148 (1), 360-371, 2007
Mind the Gap: Persistent and Mobile Organic Compounds Water Contaminants That Slip Through
T Reemtsma, U Berger, HPH Arp, H Gallard, TP Knepper, M Neumann, ...
Environmental science & technology 50 (19), 10308-10315, 2016
Analysis of per-and polyfluorinated alkyl substances in air samples from Northwest Europe
JL Barber, U Berger, C Chaemfa, S Huber, A Jahnke, C Temme, ...
Journal of environmental monitoring 9 (6), 530-541, 2007
Fish consumption as a source of human exposure to perfluorinated alkyl substances in Sweden–Analysis of edible fish from Lake Vättern and the Baltic Sea
U Berger, A Glynn, KE Holmström, M Berglund, EH Ankarberg, A Törnkvist
Chemosphere 76 (6), 799-804, 2009
Peer reviewed: analytical challenges hamper perfluoroalkyl research
JW Martin, K Kannan, URS Berger, PD Voogt, J Field, J Franklin, JP Giesy, ...
Environmental science & technology 38 (13), 248A-255A, 2004
Riverine discharge of perfluorinated carboxylates from the European continent
MS McLachlan, KE Holmström, M Reth, U Berger
Environmental Science & Technology 41 (21), 7260-7265, 2007
Perfluorinated Alkyl Substances in Plasma, Liver, Brain, and Eggs of Glaucous Gulls (Larus hyperboreus) from the Norwegian Arctic
J Verreault, M Houde, GW Gabrielsen, U Berger, M Haukås, RJ Letcher, ...
Environmental science & technology 39 (19), 7439-7445, 2005
Trace analysis of per-and polyfluorinated alkyl substances in various matrices—how do current methods perform?
A Jahnke, U Berger
Journal of Chromatography A 1216 (3), 410-421, 2009
Dietary exposure to perfluoroalkyl acids for the Swedish population in 1999, 2005 and 2010
R Vestergren, U Berger, A Glynn, IT Cousins
Environment international 49, 120-127, 2012
Occurrence of emerging persistent and mobile organic contaminants in European water samples
S Schulze, D Zahn, R Montes, R Rodil, JB Quintana, TP Knepper, ...
Water research 153, 80-90, 2019
Latitudinal gradient of airborne polyfluorinated alkyl substances in the marine atmosphere between Germany and South Africa (53 N− 33 S)
A Jahnke, U Berger, R Ebinghaus, C Temme
Environmental Science & Technology 41 (9), 3055-3061, 2007
Estrogen-like properties of fluorotelomer alcohols as revealed by MCF-7 breast cancer cell proliferation
M Maras, C Vanparys, F Muylle, J Robbens, U Berger, JL Barber, R Blust, ...
Environmental health perspectives 114 (1), 100-105, 2006
Chlorinated paraffins in indoor air and dust: concentrations, congener patterns, and human exposure
UE Fridén, MS McLachlan, U Berger
Environment International 37 (7), 1169-1174, 2011
Brominated flame retardants and other organobromines in Norwegian predatory bird eggs
D Herzke, U Berger, R Kallenborn, T Nygård, W Vetter
Chemosphere 61 (3), 441-449, 2005
Fast quantification of chlorinated paraffins in environmental samples by direct injection high-resolution mass spectrometry with pattern deconvolution
C Bogdal, T Alsberg, PS Diefenbacher, M MacLeod, U Berger
Analytical chemistry 87 (5), 2852-2860, 2015
Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors in sewage influents and effluents from Tromsø, Norway
T Vasskog, U Berger, PJ Samuelsen, R Kallenborn, E Jensen
Journal of Chromatography A 1115 (1-2), 187-195, 2006
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مقالات 1–20