Richard Vlosky
Richard Vlosky
Professor of Forest Products Marketing and Business Development
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
A conceptual model of US consumer willingness‐to‐pay for environmentally certified wood products
RP Vlosky, LK Ozanne, RJ Fontenot
Journal of Consumer Marketing 16 (2), 122-140, 1999
Partnering relationship activities: building theory from case study research
EJ Wilson, RP Vlosky
Journal of Business research 39 (1), 59-70, 1997
Consumer willingness to pay price premiums for environmentally certified wood products in the US
FX Aguilar, RP Vlosky
Forest policy and Economics 9 (8), 1100-1112, 2007
Willingness to pay for environmentally certified wood products: A consumer perspective
LK Ozanne, RP Vlosky
Forest products journal 47 (6), 39, 1997
Interorganizational information system technology and buyer‐seller relationships
DT Wilson, RP Vlosky
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 13 (3), 215-234, 1998
Extranets: impacts on business practices and relationships
RP Vlosky, R Fontenot, L Blalock
Journal of business & Industrial marketing 15 (6), 438-457, 2000
Past, present, and future of the wood preservation industry
MH Freeman, TF Shupe, RP Vlosky, HM Barnes
Forest products journal 53 (10), 8, 2003
Certification from the US consumer perspective: a comparison of 1995 and 2000
LK Ozanne, RP Vlosky
Forest products journal 53 (3), 13-21, 2003
The global forest sector
E Hansen, R Panwar, R Vlosky
Changes, Practices and Prospects, 2014
How previous visits shape trip quality, perceived value, satisfaction, and future behavioral intentions: The case of forest-based ecotourism in Sri Lanka
P Perera, R Vlosky
International Journal of Sport Management, Recreation & Tourism 11, 1-24, 2013
Motivational and behavioral profiling of visitors to forest-based recreational destinations in Sri Lanka
P Perera, RP Vlosky, SB Wahala
Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research 17 (4), 451-467, 2012
A model of employee satisfaction: Gender differences in cooperative extension
RP Vlosky, FX Aguilar
The Journal of Extension 47 (2), 2, 2009
A history of forest certification
P Perera, RP Vlosky
Louisiana Forest Products Development Center, School of Renewable Natural …, 2006
The status of chain-of-custody certification in the countries of Central and South Europe
H Paluš, J Parobek, RP Vlosky, D Motik, L Oblak, M Jošt, B Glavonjić, ...
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products 76, 699-710, 2018
Environmental certification of wood products: The US manfacturers' perspective
RP Vlosky, LK Ozanne
Forest Products Journal 48 (9), 21, 1998
Partnering and traditional relationships in business marketing: an introduction to the special issue
RP Vlosky, EJ Wilson
Journal of Business Research 39 (1), 1-4, 1997
Electronic Data Interchange Implementation Strategies: A CaseStudy
RP Vlosky, PM Smith, DT Wilson
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing 9 (4), 5-18, 1994
Architect perceptions of engineered wood products: An exploratory study of selected countries in Central and Southeast Europe
MK Kuzman, S Klarić, AP Barčić, RP Vlosky, MM Janakieska, P Grošelj
Construction and Building Materials 179, 360-370, 2018
Certified wood products merchants in the United States: a comparison between 1995 and 1998.
RP Vlosky, S Humphries, D Carter
Forest Products Journal 51 (6), 2001
eBusiness in the Forest Products Industry.
RP Vlosky
Forest Products Journal 49 (10), 1999
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مقالات 1–20