Monica Lindgren
Monica Lindgren
Professor of Industrial Economics and Management, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Leadership, not leaders: On the study of leadership as practices and interactions
L Crevani, M Lindgren, J Packendorff
Scandinavian journal of management 26 (1), 77-86, 2010
Projects and prisons
M Lindgren, J Packendorff
Making Projects Critical, 111-131, 2006
Shared leadership: A post-heroic perspective on leadership as a collective construction
L Crevani, M Lindgren, J Packendorff
International Journal of leadership studies 3 (1), 40-67, 2007
Social constructionism and entrepreneurship: Basic assumptions and consequences for theory and research
M Lindgren, J Packendorff
International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research 15 (1), 25-47, 2009
Projectification and its consequences: Narrow and broad conceptualisations
J Packendorff, M Lindgren
South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences 17 (1), 7-21, 2014
What's new in new forms of organizing? On the construction of gender in project‐based work
M Lindgren, J Packendorff
Journal of management Studies 43 (4), 841-866, 2006
Identity construction among boundary-crossing individuals
M Lindgren, N Wåhlin
Scandinavian journal of management 17 (3), 357-377, 2001
Quadruple Helix as a way to bridge the gender gap in entrepreneurship: the case of an innovation system project in the Baltic Sea region
M Lindberg, M Lindgren, J Packendorff
Journal of the Knowledge Economy 5 (1), 94-113, 2014
Project management behind the facade
S Cicmil, D Hodgson, M Lindgren, J Packendorff
ephemera: theory & politics in organization 9 (2), 78-92, 2009
A project-based view of entrepreneurship: Towards action-orientation, seriality and collectivity
M Lindgren, J Packendorff
New movements in entrepreneurship 1, 86-102, 2003
Project leadership revisited: Towards distributed leadership perspectives in project research
M Lindgren, J Packendorff
International Journal of Project Organisation and Management 1 (3), 285-308, 2009
Universities need leadership, academics need management: discursive tensions and voids in the deregulation of Swedish higher education legislation
M Ekman, M Lindgren, J Packendorff
Higher Education 75 (2), 299-321, 2018
Thrilled by the discourse, suffering through the experience: Emotions in project-based work
M Lindgren, J Packendorff, V Sergi
Human Relations 67 (11), 1383-1412, 2014
Provoking identities: entrepreneurship and emerging identity positions in rural development
K Berglund, J Gaddefors, M Lindgren
Entrepreneurship & Regional Development 28 (1-2), 76-96, 2016
Performing arts and the art of performing–on co-construction of project work and professional identities in theatres
M Lindgren, J Packendorff
International Journal of Project Management 25 (4), 354-364, 2007
The project (management) discourse and its consequences: On vulnerability and un-sustainability in project-based work
S Cicmil, M Lindgren, J Packendorff
New technology, work and employment 31 (1), 58-76, 2016
Project leadership in becoming: A process study of an organizational change project
J Packendorff, L Crevani, M Lindgren
Project Management Journal 45 (3), 5-20, 2014
Entrepreneurship as boundary work: deviating from and belonging to community
M Lindgren, J Packendorff
Entrepreneurship as social change, 210-230, 2008
Responsibilising the next generation: Fostering the enterprising self through de-mobilising gender
K Berglund, M Lindgren, J Packendorff
Organization 24 (6), 892-915, 2017
Issues, responsibilities and identities: A distributed leadership perspective on biotechnology R&D management
M Lindgren, J Packendorff
Creativity and Innovation Management 20 (3), 157-170, 2011
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مقالات 1–20