Arthur Peeters
Arthur Peeters
Professor theoretical physics, University of Bayreuth
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على uni-bayreuth.de
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Progress in ITER Physics Basis 2. Plasma confinement and transport 2.2. Fundamental transport processes
EJ Doyle
Nuclear Fusion 47, S18-S127, 2007
TORBEAM, a beam tracing code for electron-cyclotron waves in tokamak plasmas
E Poli, AG Peeters, GV Pereverzev
Computer physics communications 136 (1-2), 90-104, 2001
The nonlinear gyro-kinetic flux tube code GKW
AG Peeters, Y Camenen, FJ Casson, WA Hornsby, AP Snodin, D Strintzi, ...
Computer physics communications 180 (12), 2650-2672, 2009
Density peaking, anomalous pinch, and collisionality in tokamak plasmas
C Angioni, AG Peeters, GV Pereverzev, F Ryter, G Tardini, ...
Physical review letters 90 (20), 205003, 2003
Toroidal Momentum Pinch Velocity due to the Coriolis Drift Effect<? format?> on Small Scale Instabilities in a Toroidal Plasma
AG Peeters, C Angioni, D Strintzi
Physical Review Letters 98 (26), 265003, 2007
Experiments on neoclassical tearing mode stabilization by ECCD in ASDEX Upgrade
H Zohm, G Gantenbein, G Giruzzi, S Günter, F Leuterer, M Maraschek, ...
Nuclear Fusion 39 (5), 577, 1999
Physics of transport in tokamaks
X Garbet, P Mantica, C Angioni, E Asp, Y Baranov, C Bourdelle, R Budny, ...
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 46 (12B), B557, 2004
Particle transport in tokamak plasmas, theory and experiment
C Angioni, E Fable, M Greenwald, M Maslov, AG Peeters, H Takenaga, ...
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 51 (12), 124017, 2009
Experimental study of the ion critical-gradient length and stiffness level<? format?> and the impact of rotation in the jet tokamak
P Mantica, D Strintzi, T Tala, C Giroud, T Johnson, H Leggate, E Lerche, ...
Physical review letters 102 (17), 175002, 2009
Influence of the heating profile on impurity transport in ASDEX Upgrade
R Dux, R Neu, AG Peeters, G Pereverzev, A Mück, F Ryter, J Stober, ...
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 45 (9), 1815, 2003
Density response to central electron heating: theoretical investigations and experimental observations in ASDEX Upgrade
C Angioni, AG Peeters, X Garbet, A Manini, F Ryter, ...
Nuclear Fusion 44 (8), 827, 2004
Direction of impurity pinch and auxiliary heating in tokamak plasmas
C Angioni, AG Peeters
Physical review letters 96 (9), 095003, 2006
Internal transport barrier triggering by rational magnetic flux surfaces in tokamaks
E Joffrin, CD Challis, GD Conway, X Garbet, A Gude, S Günter, ...
Nuclear fusion 43 (10), 1167, 2003
Overview of toroidal momentum transport
AG Peeters, C Angioni, A Bortolon, Y Camenen, FJ Casson, B Duval, ...
Nuclear Fusion 51 (9), 094027, 2011
Z dependence of the core impurity transport in ASDEX Upgrade H mode discharges
R Dux, AG Peeters, A Gude, A Kallenbach, R Neu, ...
Nuclear Fusion 39 (11), 1509, 1999
Thermodynamic generalization of the Saha equation for a two-temperature plasma
MCM Van de Sanden, P Schram, AG Peeters, JAM Van der Mullen, ...
Physical Review A 40 (9), 5273, 1989
Experimental Study of Trapped-Electron-Mode Properties in Tokamaks:<? format?> Threshold and Stabilization by Collisions
F Ryter, C Angioni, AG Peeters, F Leuterer, HU Fahrbach, W Suttrop, ...
Physical review letters 95 (8), 085001, 2005
A Key to Improved Ion Core Confinement in the JET Tokamak:<? format?> Ion Stiffness Mitigation due to Combined Plasma Rotation and Low Magnetic Shear
P Mantica, C Angioni, C Challis, G Colyer, L Frassinetti, N Hawkes, ...
Physical review letters 107 (13), 135004, 2011
Linear gyrokinetic calculations of toroidal momentum transport in a tokamak due to the ion temperature gradient mode
AG Peeters, C Angioni, ASDEX Upgrade Team
Physics of Plasmas 12 (7), 2005
The bootstrap current and its consequences
AG Peeters
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 42 (12B), B231, 2000
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مقالات 1–20