Mofdi El Amrani
Mofdi El Amrani
انتساب غير معروف
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على urjc.es
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Numerical simulation of natural and mixed convection flows by Galerkin‐characteristic method
M El‐Amrani, M Seaïd
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 53 (12), 1819-1845, 2007
Convergence and stability of finite element modified method of characteristics for the incompressible Navier–Stokes equations
M El-Amrani, M Seaïd
Walter de Gruyter 15 (2), 101-135, 2007
A finite element semi-Lagrangian explicit Runge–Kutta–Chebyshev method for convection dominated reaction–diffusion problems
R Bermejo, M El Amrani
Journal of computational and applied mathematics 154 (1), 27-61, 2003
A finite element modified method of characteristics for convective heat transport
M El‐Amrani, M Seaïd
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations: An International …, 2008
An essentially non‐oscillatory semi‐Lagrangian method for tidal flow simulations
M El‐Amrani, M Seaïd
International journal for numerical methods in engineering 81 (7), 805-834, 2010
A finite element semi‐Lagrangian method with L2 interpolation
M El‐Amrani, M Seaïd
International Journal for numerical methods in engineering 90 (12), 1485-1507, 2012
An -Projection for the Galerkin-Characteristic Solution of Incompressible Flows
M El-Amrani, M Seaid
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 33 (6), 3110-3131, 2011
Eulerian–Lagrangian time-stepping methods for convection-dominated problems
M El-Amrani, M Seaïd
International Journal of Computer Mathematics 85 (3-4), 421-439, 2008
Lagrange–Galerkin method for unsteady free surface water waves
M Seaïd, M El-Amrani
Computing and Visualization in Science 9, 209-228, 2006
A stabilized finite element method for stochastic incompressible Navier–Stokes equations
M El-Amrani, M Seaid, M Zahri
International Journal of Computer Mathematics 89 (18), 2576-2602, 2012
Weakly compressible and advection approximations of incompressible viscous flows
M El‐Amrani, M Seaïd
Communications in numerical methods in engineering 22 (7), 831-847, 2006
Simplified finite element approximations for coupled natural convection and radiation heat transfer
J Albadr, M El-Amrani, M Seaid
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications 83 (5), 478-502, 2023
A Galerkin-characteristic unified finite element method for moving thermal fronts in porous media
L Salhi, M El-Amrani, M Seaid
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 404, 113159, 2022
A spectral stochastic semi-Lagrangian method for convection-diffusion equations with uncertainty
M El-Amrani, M Seaïd
Journal of Scientific Computing 39, 371-393, 2009
A Galerkin-characteristic method for large-eddy simulation of turbulent flow and heat transfer
M El-Amrani, M Seaid
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 30 (6), 2734-2754, 2008
Error estimates for a viscosity-splitting scheme in time applied to non-Newtonian fluid flows
M El-Amrani, A Obbadi, M Seaid, D Yakoubi
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 419, 116639, 2024
Bernstein-Bézier Galerkin-characteristics finite element method for convection-diffusion problems
M El-Amrani, A El-Kacimi, B Khouya, M Seaid
Journal of Scientific Computing 92 (2), 58, 2022
Analysis of a Galerkin-characteristic finite element method for convection-diffusion problems in porous media
L Salhi, M El-Amrani, M Seaid
Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics 12, 96-122, 2021
A conservative semi-Lagrangian finite volume method for convection–diffusion problems on unstructured grids
I Asmouh, M El-Amrani, M Seaid, N Yebari
Journal of Scientific Computing 85, 1-25, 2020
A stabilized semi‐Lagrangian finite element method for natural convection in Darcy flows
L Salhi, M El‐Amrani, M Seaid
Computational and Mathematical Methods 3 (6), e1140, 2021
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مقالات 1–20