Marilena Idzojtic
Marilena Idzojtic
University of Zagreb Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
M Idžojtić
Dendrologija-cvijet, češer, plod, sjeme
M Idžojtić
Listopadno drveće i grmlje u zimskom razdoblju
M Idžojtić
Morphological characterization and chemical composition of fruits of the traditional Croatian chestnut variety ‘Lovran Marron’
I Poljak, N Vahčić, M Gačić, M Idžojtić
Food technology and biotechnology 54 (2), 189, 2016
M Vidaković, J Franjić
Genetic diversity of the sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) in Central Europe and the western part of the Balkan Peninsula and evidence of marron genotype …
I Poljak, M Idžojtić, Z Šatović, M Ježić, M Ćurković-Perica, B Simovski, ...
Tree genetics & genomes 13, 1-13, 2017
Morphological variability of leaves of Sorbus domestica L. in Croatia
I Poljak, D Kajba, I Ljubic, M Idzojtic
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 84 (2), 2015
Leaflet morphometric variation of service tree (Sorbus domestica L.) in the Balkan Peninsula
R Brus, D Ballian, F Bogunić, M Bobinac, M IdžOjtić
Plant Biosystems-An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant …, 2011
Diversity and structure of croatian continental and alpine-dinaric populations of grey alder (Alnus incana /L./ Moench subsp. incana); Isolation by distance and …
I Poljak, M Idžojtić, I Šapić, P Korijan, J Vukelić
Šumarski list 142 (1-2), 19-31, 2018
The incidence of mistletoe (Viscum album ssp. abietis) on silver fir (Abies alba) in Croatia
M Idžojtić, R Pernar, M Glavaš, M Zebec, D Diminić
Biologia 63 (1), 81-85, 2008
Morphological and molecular differentiation of the Croatian populations of Quercus pubescens Willd.[Fagaceae]
J Franjic, Z Liber, Z Skvorc, M Idzojtic, R Sostaric, Z Stancic
Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 75 (2), 123-130, 2006
Biological control of chestnut blight in Croatia: an interaction between host sweet chestnut, its pathogen Cryphonectria parasitica and the biocontrol agent Cryphonectria …
L Krstin, Z Katanić, M Ježić, I Poljak, L Nuskern, I Matković, M Idžojtić, ...
Pest management science 73 (3), 582-589, 2017
High molecular diversity in the true service tree (Sorbus domestica) despite rareness: data from Europe with special reference to the Austrian occurrence
JP George, H Konrad, E Collin, J Thevenet, D Ballian, M Idzojtic, U Kamm, ...
Annals of Botany 115 (7), 1105-1115, 2015
Population structure of Quercus pubescens Willd.(Fagaceae) in Croatia according to morphology of leaves
Ž Škvorc, J Franjić, M Idžojtić
Acta Botanica Hungarica 47 (1-2), 183-196, 2005
Dendrology: cones, flowers, fruits and seeds
M Idžojtić
Academic Press, 2019
The differences among hairy and typical European black poplars and the possible role of the hairy type in relation to climatic changes
D Kajba, D Ballian, M Idžojtić, S Bogdan
Forest ecology and management 197 (1-3), 279-284, 2004
The Effect of Seed Size on Germination and Seedling Growth in Sweet Chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.)
K Tumpa, A Vidaković, D Drvodelić, M Šango, M Idžojtić, I Perković, ...
Forests 12 (7), 858, 2021
Traditional sweet chestnut and hybrid varieties: Chemical composition, morphometric and qualitative nut characteristics
I Poljak, N Vahčić, A Vidaković, K Tumpa, I Žarković, M Idžojtić
Agronomy 11 (3), 516, 2021
Castanea sativa: genotype-dependent recovery from chestnut blight
M Ježić, L Krstin, I Poljak, Z Liber, M Idžojtić, M Jelić, J Meštrović, M Zebec, ...
Tree genetics & genomes 10, 101-110, 2014
The variability of European sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) in the region of northwest Croatia according to morphology of fruits
I Poljak, M Idžojtić, M Zebec, N Perković
Šumarski list 136 (9-10), 479-488, 2012
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مقالات 1–20