Rahel K Brügger
Rahel K Brügger
Institute of Evolutionary Anthropology, University of Zurich
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Evolutionary origins of morality: Insights from non-human primates
JM Burkart, RK Brügger, CP Van Schaik
Frontiers in Sociology 3, 17, 2018
A convergent interaction engine: vocal communication among marmoset monkeys
JM Burkart, JEC Adriaense, RK Brügger, FM Miss, K Wierucka, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 377 (1859), 20210098, 2022
The use of infrared thermography to investigate emotions in common marmosets
FA Ermatinger, RK Brügger, JM Burkart
Physiology & Behavior 211, 112672, 2019
Reverse audience effects on helping in cooperatively breeding marmoset monkeys
RK Brügger, T Kappeler-Schmalzriedt, JM Burkart
Biology letters 14 (3), 20180030, 2018
Do marmosets understand others’ conversations? A thermography approach
RK Brügger, EP Willems, JM Burkart
Science Advances 7 (6), eabc8790, 2021
Looking out for each other: Coordination and turn taking in common marmoset vigilance
RK Brügger, EP Willems, JM Burkart
Animal Behaviour 196, 183-199, 2023
Marmosets mutually compensate for differences in rhythms when coordinating vigilance
N Phaniraj, RK Brügger, JM Burkart
PLOS Computational Biology 20 (5), e1012104, 2024
The proximate regulation of prosocial behaviour: towards a conceptual framework for comparative research
KS Kopp, P Kanngiesser, RK Brügger, MM Daum, A Gampe, M Köster, ...
Animal Cognition 27 (1), 5, 2024
Parental reactions to a dying marmoset infant: conditional investment by the mother, but not the father
RK Brügger, JM Burkart
Behaviour 159 (1), 89-109, 2021
Active sharing of a novel, arbitrary innovation in captive cotton-top tamarins?
S Gokcekus, RK Brügger, JM Burkart
Behaviour 158 (1), 51-67, 2020
The ontogeny of play in a highly cooperative monkey, the common marmoset
AM Godard, JM Burkart, RK Brügger
bioRxiv, 2024.05. 28.595935, 2024
Third-party understanding and social evaluation in common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus)
RK Brügger
University of Zurich, 2022
Synchronization: When is it more than an epiphenomenon? A modelling approach. Comment on" the evolution of social timing" by L. Verga, SA Kotz & A. Ravignani
JM Burkart, RK Brügger, N Phaniraj
Physics of Life Reviews 47, 172-173, 2023
Putting the cart before the horse? The origin of information donation
JM Burkart, S Sehner, RK Brügger, JEC Adriaense, CP van Schaik
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46, e5, 2023
Communication across multiple sensory modes: quantifying the rich be-havioural repertoire of a Neotropical torrent frog....................... 351 Balaban-Feld, J., Vijayan, S …
RK Brügger, JM Burkart, KC Burns, SL Chartier, SM Ramsay, KA Otter, ...
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مقالات 1–15