Douglas Duarte Novaes
Douglas Duarte Novaes
Associate professor in Departament of Mathematics - Universidade Estadual Campinas (UNICAMP
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عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Higher order averaging theory for finding periodic solutions via Brouwer degree
J Llibre, DD Novaes, MA Teixeira
Nonlinearity 27 (3), 563-583, 2014
On the birth of limit cycles for non-smooth dynamical systems
J Llibre, DD Novaes, MA Teixeira
Bulletin des Sciences Mathemàtiques 139, 229 - 244, 2015
Averaging theory for discontinuous piecewise differential systems
J Llibre, AC Mereu, DD Novaes
Journal of differential equations 258 (11), 4007-4032, 2015
Maximum number of limit cycles for certain piecewise linear dynamical systems
J Llibre, DD Novaes, MA Teixeira
Nonlinear Dynamics 82 (3), 1159-1175, 2015
New lower bound for the Hilbert number in piecewise quadratic differential systems
LPC da Cruz, DD Novaes, J Torregrosa
Journal of differential equations 266 (7), 4170-4203, 2019
Limit cycles bifurcating from the periodic orbits of a discontinuous piecewise linear differentiable center with two zones
J Llibre, DD Novaes, MA Teixeira
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 25 (11), 1550144, 2015
On extended Chebyshev systems with positive accuracy
DD Novaes, J Torregrosa
Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 448 (1), 171-186, 2017
A new result on averaging theory for a class of discontinuous planar differential systems with applications.
J Itikawa, J Llibre, DD Novaes
Revista Mathematica Iberoamericana 33 (4), 2017
Regularization of hidden dynamics in piecewise smooth flows
DD Novaes, MR Jeffrey
Journal of differential equations 259 (9), 4615-4633, 2015
Averaging theory at any order for computing limit cycles of discontinuous piecewise differential systems with many zones
J Llibre, DD Novaes, CAB Rodrigues
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 353, 1-10, 2017
A simple solution to the Braga-Mello conjecture
DD Novaes, E Ponce
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 25, 1550009 [7 pages], 2015
Persistence of periodic solutions for higher order perturbed differential systems via Lyapunov–Schmidt reduction
MR Cândido, J Llibre, DD Novaes
Nonlinearity 30 (9), 3560, 2017
Melnikov analysis in nonsmooth differential systems with nonlinear switching manifold
JLR Bastos, CA Buzzi, J Llibre, DD Novaes
Journal of differential equations 267 (6), 3748-3767, 2019
The generic unfolding of a codimension-two connection to a two-fold singularity of planar Filippov systems
DD Novaes, MA Teixeira, IO Zeli
Nonlinearity 31 (5), 2083, 2018
Shilnikov problem in Filippov dynamical systems
D D Novaes, MA Teixeira
Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 29 (6), 2019
Sliding Shilnikov connection in Filippov-type predator–prey model
T Carvalho, D Duarte Novaes, LF Gonçalves
Nonlinear Dynamics 100 (3), 2973-2987, 2020
Improving the averaging theory for computing periodic solutions of the differential equations
J Llibre, DD Novaes
Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 66, 1401-1412, 2015
Uniform upper bound for the number of limit cycles of planar piecewise linear differential systems with two zones separated by a straight line
V Carmona, F Fernández-Sánchez, DD Novaes
Applied Mathematics Letters 137, 108501, 2023
Higher order Melnikov analysis for planar piecewise linear vector fields with nonlinear switching curve
KS Andrade, OAR Cespedes, DR Cruz, DD Novaes
Journal of differential equations 287, 1-36, 2021
Lyapunov coefficients for monodromic tangential singularities in Filippov vector fields
DD Novaes, LA Silva
Journal of differential equations 300, 565-596, 2021
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مقالات 1–20