Lennart Rolandsson
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Computational thinking in K-9 education
L Mannila, V Dagiene, B Demo, N Grgurina, C Mirolo, L Rolandsson, ...
Proceedings of the working group reports of the 2014 on innovation …, 2014
Programmed or Not: A study about programming teachers’ beliefs and intentions in relation to curriculum
L Rolandsson
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2015
Programming in school: Look back to move forward
L Rolandsson, IB Skogh
ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE) 14 (2), 1-25, 2014
Progression of computational thinking skills in swedish compulsory schools with block-based programming
LC Zhang, J Nouri, L Rolandsson
Proceedings of the Twenty-Second Australasian Computing Education Conference …, 2020
Programmering i svensk skolmatematik: Programming in Swedish school mathematics
C Kilhamn, L Rolandsson, K Bråting
LUMAT: International Journal on Math, Science and Technology Education 9 (1 …, 2021
Teachers' arguments for including programming in mathematics education
C Kilhamn, K Bråting, L Rolandsson
NORMA 20, The ninth Nordic Conference on Mathematics Education, Oslo, Norway …, 2021
Reasoning on children’s cognitive skills in an informatics contest: findings and discoveries from Finland, Lithuania, and Sweden
V Dagiene, L Mannila, T Poranen, L Rolandsson, G Stupuriene
Informatics in Schools. Teaching and Learning Perspectives: 7th …, 2014
Students' performance on programming-related tasks in an informatics contest in Finland, Sweden and Lithuania
V Dagiene, L Mannila, T Poranen, L Rolandsson, P Söderhjelm
Proceedings of the 2014 conference on Innovation & technology in computer …, 2014
Integrating programming in Swedish school mathematics: description of a research project
K Bråting, C Kilhamn, L Rolandsson
MADIF12: the twelfth research seminar of the Swedish Society for Research in …, 2020
Om programmering i matematikundervisning
O Helenius, M Misfeldt, L Rolandsson, U Ryan
Skolverket 1 (9), 2018
Changing Computer Programming Education: The Dinosaur That Survived in School: An Explorative Study about Educational Issues Based on Teachers' Beliefs and Curriculum …
L Rolandsson
2013 Learning and Teaching in Computing and Engineering, 220-223, 2013
Programmed or not
L Rolandsson
A study about programming teachers’ beliefs and intentions in relation to …, 2015
Teacher pioneers in the introduction of computing technology in the Swedish upper secondary school
L Rolandsson
IFIP Conference on History of Nordic Computing, 159-167, 2010
Bridging a gap: in search of an analytical tool capturing teachers’ perceptions of their own teaching
L Rolandsson, IB Skogh, S Männikkö Barbutiu
International journal of technology and design education 27, 445-458, 2017
Teachers’ perceptions about learning programming
L Rolandsson
Proceedings PATT-22 Conference. Strengthening the Position of Technology …, 2009
Changing Computer Programming Education. The Dinosaur that Survived in School
L Rolandsson
Licentiate thesis, KTH Stockholm, 2012
Changing Computer Programming Education; The Dinosaur that Survived in School: An explorative study of educational issues based on teachers' beliefs and curriculum development …
L Rolandsson
KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2012
Programmering i skolmatematiken-möjligheter och utmaningar
K Bråting, C Kilhamn, L Rolandsson
Studentlitteratur AB, 2021
Bebras contest
V Dagiene, L Mannila, T Poranen, L Rolandsson, G Stupuriene, ...
Mathematical competencies and programming: The Swedish case
K Bråting, C Kilhamn, L Rolandsson
Mathematical competencies in the digital era, 293-310, 2023
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مقالات 1–20