Raúl C. Cruz-Gómez
Raúl C. Cruz-Gómez
Profesor investigador, Universidad de Guadalajara
بريد إلكتروني تم التحقق منه على academicos.udg.mx
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
عدد مرات الاقتباسات
Efectos de los vórtices en sistemas acuáticos y su relación con la química, biología y geología
R Candelario Cruz Gómez, MA Monreal Gómez, S Nicolaevich Bulgakov
Interciencia 33 (10), 741-746, 2008
Remote sensing observations of the coherent and non-coherent ring structures in the vicinity of Lesser Antilles
RC Cruz Gómez, SN Bulgakov
Annales Geophysicae 25 (2), 331-340, 2007
Generation of isolated vortices in a rotating fluid by means of an electromagnetic method
RC Cruz Gómez, L Zavala Sansón, MA Pinilla
Experiments in fluids 54, 1-11, 2013
A laboratory study of floating lenticular anticyclones
HM De la Rosa Zambrano, A Cros, RC Gómez, M Le Bars, P Le Gal
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 61, 1-8, 2017
Analysis of horizontal and vertical ring structure based on analytical model and satellite data: Application to the North Brazil Current Rings
R Cruz-Gómez, J Salcedo-Castro
Ocean Science Journal 48, 161-172, 2013
Coalescence of lenticular anticyclones in a linearly stratified rotating fluid
A Orozco Estrada, RC Cruz Gómez, A Cros, P Le Gal
Geophysical & Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 114 (4-5), 504-523, 2020
Modeling the interannual variability in Maipo and Rapel river plumes off central Chile
J Salcedo-Castro, A Olita, F Saavedra, GS Saldías, RC Cruz-Gómez, ...
Ocean Science 19 (6), 1687-1703, 2023
Interaction of North Brazil Current rings with the Lesser Antilles Arc and Barbados Island: laboratory experiments and observations
RCCGHJ Vazquez
Environmental Fluid Mechanics, 2018
Response of a soap film to a continuous electromagnetic forcing
RCC Gómez
Journal of Visualization 20, 87-95, 2017
Quasi-Analytical Solution of Kepler’s Equation as an Explicit Function of Time
AN Beloiarov, VA Beloiarov, RC Cruz-Gómez, CO Monzón, JL Romero
Mathematics 12 (13), 1-17, 2024
Laboratory experiments on coastal current separation and vortex formation in front of Cabo Corrientes and Bahía de Banderas, México
RC Cruz-Gómez, LZ Sansón, FA Velazquez-Muñoz
Continental Shelf Research 262, 105022, 2023
Cálculo de la composición de masa en una aleación binaria para prácticas de laboratorio docente
ZC Martínez-Vargas, RC Cruz-Gómez
Latin-American Journal Physics Education 16 (2), 23071-23075, 2021
On the coalescence of anticyclones in stratified rotating flows
P Le Gal, C Raùl, A Cros
EGU 2018 20, 2018
Experimental Investigation of the North Brazil Current Rings During Their Interaction with the Lesser Antilles
R Cruz-Gómez
Fluid Dynamics in Physics, Engineering and Environmental Applications, 2013
Damping of Liquid Sloshing Using Hydrophobic Walls in the Off-Impulse Regime
RC Cruz-Gómez, A Cros, CO Monzon, LE Capetillo-Perez
Coastal circulation and eddies generation in the Southwest Mexican Pacific
FA Velázquez-Muñoz, RC Cruz-Gómez, C Monzon
EGUsphere 2024, 1-19, 2024
Experimental Estimation of Horizontal Velocity and Vertical Structure of Floating Anticyclones Based on the Quasi‐geostrophic Approximation
CD De la torre‐Martínez, RC Cruz-Gómez, CO Monzón
Ocean Science Journal 59 (47), 59:47, 2024
Disminución del chapoteo en la superficie de líquidos: la espuma de cerveza como caso experimental
JA Rubio-Iñiguez, RC Cruz-Gómez, CO Monzón, JL Romero
Lat. Am. J. Phys. Educ. Vol 18 (2), 2110-1, 2024
Influence of the Cape Angle and Flow Speed on Eddy Formation and Detachment: Experimental Results and Comparison with North Brazil Current Eddies
RC Cruz‐Gómez, J Salcedo‐Castro
Ocean Science Journal, 2022
Determination of density profile by using the refractive index in a linearly salt-stratified fluid: An experiment for an advanced undergraduate laboratory
RC Cruz-Gómez, FA Velázquez-Muñoz, J Salcedo-Castro
American Journal of Physics 90 (1), 71-77, 2022
يتعذر على النظام إجراء العملية في الوقت الحالي. عاود المحاولة لاحقًا.
مقالات 1–20